Monday, December 12, 2022

Worldwide Fitness Trends 2022: How Does that Help Fitness Oriented Businesses?

Fitness is big business and like many of you I also engage in some fitness so I keep up with what is going on in the industry. People who go to the gym have their own fads and trends and they are serious about their lifestyle. Whether your a small fitness business owner, a fitness trainer, or a fitness retailer its a good idea to understand these trends in order to make strategic decisions. 

From a business standpoint it is also beneficial to have knowledge of what are the major trends for the industry so you know what services you should offer, products you should put on your shelves, or advertisements to post. Should you be offering trainers, selling wearable technology within your store, or providing more yoga classes at your studio?

There is no crystal ball but there is strategic market analysis (You will want to check out the link because the site has some good models to look over). 

 (I know some yoga studio owners. I thought about that once as well. Mostly to help vets. I might still do it here and there but never really got into it on that level. Some of these people are like Gumby and its very commercialized now! The style I learned is an ancient Indian style based on a particular family system. Its the root movements prior to the popularity of tree pose. 🙏 Got a certification in it. Its great for rehabilitation, sports, and general fitness as you improve your range of motion, lung capacity, and endurance. Its not so great for showing off in Ocean Beach, CA🏄) 

You may want to read Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2022

What are the current fitness trends in 2022? See the interesting list below.

1 Wearable technology
2 Home exercise gyms
3 Outdoor activities
4 Strength training with free weights
5 Exercise for weight loss
6 Personal training
7 High Intensity Interval Training
8 Body weight training
9 Online live and on-demand exercise classes
10 Health/wellness coaching
11 Fitness programs for older adults
12 Exercise is Medicine
13 Employing certified fitness professionals
14 Functional fitness training
15 Yoga
16 Mobile exercise apps
17 Online personal training
18 Licensure for fitness professionals
19 Lifestyle medicine
20 Group exercise training

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