Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Global Do It Yourself Market Projected to be $1,278 Billion by 2030: Cracks in my Chimney!

A crack from cold weather.
Working on your home can be a great pleasure and a great headache if your not willing to learn. The trend toward knowing how to fix our own homes is growing. According to Allied Market the global Do-It-Yourself Market comprised $848.20 in 2021and projected to balloon to $1,278 Billion by 2030 with an annual growth rate of $4.37. (Allied Market Research 2021)

Its not just the U.S. but also across the globe! I encourage people to learn as many skills as they can. Working on your home is a great activity and saves you lots of money in the long run. The old farmer classes of the 1930's have all long gone and a new generation of builders must come forward. 

Filled the cracks with chimney
Furnace Cement and Fireplace Mortar

Having construction and improvement skills means you can put to practical use many other skills you have learned from math to finger dexterity. That knowledge bank transfers to other areas and gives one a better understanding of the mechanics of construction.

For example, I have one of those old 100+ year old log cabins that was built along the Escanaba River prior to mass expansion of cars. Back then it was all farms and buggy tracks. 

My house is old. My chimney is in good shape but every other year I go up and check all the cracks. If you don't maintain your property it will have problems. It just a matter of time.

Similarly, If you don't fill these cracks water gets into them and they expand and create bigger cracks. The more they expand, the more old chimneys start to crack crumble. I already put back in place a few stones that the prior owner neglected to repair. 

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