Monday, September 26, 2022

Will Snowden be Drafted/Invited to the Front Lines of Ukraine? I Doubt It...But There is a Point to be Made

We owe loyalties to our nation even when we may disagree within something we must be wise with those disagreements. If that disagreement can't be fixed internally then you find another safe channel to deal with the disagreement (Perhaps consider other reporting channels, agencies, or Congress). The mistake he made is he went overseas to a foreign adversary without considering how that information is worth more than any individual person or their cause. 

No one is perfect, just like no system is perfect, and sometimes we need a little correction but the minute we go to a foreign adversary we open up a huge can of worms. Of course Russia is going to welcome him with open arms and give him safe haven. They are equally likely to get as much information as they can from him and exploit the PR of it all. 

Sometimes it feels like we have a few politicians and people who think Russia is out to help them solve some of their political and personal problems. Whether that is running there with national secrets or encouraging them to investigate political candidates those are inappropriate behaviors. They are inherently dangerous.

Snowden put himself in a difficult situation by not using the various legitimate channels available to him and then jumped to a foreign country to make his point. I wonder if part of that information he shared, and perhaps a few others, may have led to increased conflict we now experienced. Even small bits of information can change things.

Why is he getting Russian citizenship now and what secrets did that cost him? I think Russia should reconsider their current path of sending troops to Ukraine for the sake of everyone involved....Russians, Ukrainians, UN, and everyone else (Personally I hope they reconsider and find a peaceful alternative path to reconnect with the world.). I wonder if Snowden will be one of the first to earn his new Russian found citizenship by volunteering to the front lines?  

Ok sorry......

Truthfully I doubt he would go even if he was offered the opportunity! The point I want to make here is that there are channels we can have to raise concerns but one can't go to other countries. Stepping outside of internal channels with critical intelligence could put American lives at risk and that might be just as bad as someone leaving a door unlocked with national secrets on top of their desk. Maybe not? 🤷

Vladimir Putin grants former NSA contractor Edward Snowden Russian citizenship

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