Thursday, September 8, 2022

Why I Support Politico Going Non Partisan if it Stays Non Partisan and Maintains its Objectivity

Free press is something important and when its not free or objective it can do a lot of damage to our nation and peoples. We have seen this with some news/media outlets leaning far far right and some leaning far far left. Pandering to the emotions of the masses and sometimes publishing information that isn't accurate and isn't helpful. So objective neutrality in all media writing is important. 

Read the article Liberals panic as new Politico owner aims to turn outlet 'nonpartisan': Looks like CNN has company (Its not against the article. I actually found it informative. Good information to learn from. That being said, maybe Fox can move a little more central as a general idea.)

Lots of controversy going on here with some changes. People seemed to be concerned about a lot of different things as it relates to an email, political, leanings, etc. What I'm going to say is that I like many of Politicos articles and until this article came out I didn't really think they were partisan by nature. They sounded fairly neutral to me with different writers having their own bent.

I support neutrality non partisan values in our media, political leanings and institutions because that is the most objective and helpful place to be.

Unlike many of our elected leaders I don't feel any real loyalty to my political parties beyond what makes sense to me (I can pick pieces I like from both but do lean a little R.). My life experiences are unique enough to not be stuck in someone else mode of thinking or owe blind loyalty to any demagogue

I have earned the right to think for myself (With a Muslim sounding name probably makes me pretty historically disliked by many. An apparent easy target for hate. Its a shame, I lived in multiple communities and worlds and find they are very similar and could get along once they stop bashing each other over subjective truths.💜). 
My loyalties reside to my nation, the American people (All of us. Not just the ones who look like us, worship like us, and vote our way, or say "yes" to everything we erroneously believe.), to the improvement of our institutions and to other philosophical concepts such truth, justice, democracy, free people, human rights, religious freedom, freedom of speech, integrity, national development, and lots of other words that seem to sort take a back step when someone blindly roots for their team. 

While I'm a light (R) I actually only think so based on certain principles that resonate with me. I have lots of liberal friends and I think I understand their perspectives so I try and find the middle ground (I don't mind being called a RINO-DINO because it means I'm not willing to hijack my parties name for my own purposes. 💁). You may want to read why objectivity can be so important in Philosophy and Bill of Rights. (One philosopher I enjoy reading about is Cicero).

Sorry I digress. Where one is a radicalized far right extremist or a radicalized far left extremists (seems like we have a lot in politics these days. Not sure how many of these extremist have become qualified to lead. I may not be a good leader either but the difference is I understand that as something I must ponder. But as I mature and develop I seem to think I have some admirable traits mixed with the one's I should probably work on. Its called accurate self reflection) we should encourage as many media outlets to be objective and truthful in a non partisan way they can. Not that fake way some pretend to get their political point across but in a real way that helps form a positive path for our nation.

You may want to read....Free press ‘a cornerstone’ of democratic societies, UN says

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