Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Why Do We Need National Unity and Development? 9 Ideas to Think About

National unity around key concepts and values we all share helps ties different communities to a bigger picture of democracy and self governance.  There will be some disagreement and arguments based on which political party one belongs but the big picture should take precedence. 

I'm a light R but carry some values from the central L. Despite my party affiliation (RINO-DINO) I sort of just say what I think because I believe our country needs independent thinkers and people who can bridge gaps. 

A few ideas I'm sort of thinking about that are important to national development.....

1. Economic Development and Environmental Protection: It is possible to develop, improve technology, and protect our environment. That takes a balance between improving our natural systems like the Great Lakes while also encouraging economic investment in the region (I know short on facts but its just a quick statement.)

2. Military Readiness, Space Development: Develop the world's strongest, most capable and most innovative military. That includes advanced technologies and space development as the next frontier. Some of the technologies such as robotics and new lines of weaponry can be used in both. Military capabilities will need military, industrial, and scientific coordination.

3. Human Capital Development: Ensure that we have an education/training system in place that creates highly skilled graduates that are ready to compete on the global market. That includes life long learning and wide spread human capital development that maximizes creative, scientific and technical talent.

4. Infrastructure, Power Grid, Export Structures: Create an adaptable plug and play power grid focused on renewables and electrification as well as the ability to utilize older energy such as oil, gas, nuclear, etc. When one commodity goes up in price or becomes scarce other fuel sources can supplement. Likewise, we also need ports, rail and other methods of moving products off our shores and into the global marketplace.

5.Innovation, Core Technologies, Advanced Manufacturing: Encourage the US and our institutions to develop superior/leading products, services, and technologies so as to spearhead industries in multiple high value markets. That requires a focus and adjustment in how we approach business and create co-development.  

6. Market Development and Global Influence: We must continue to develop markets and relationships to sell American products and offer opportunities for other nations to join into supply chains and the free market system. Encourage nations to adopt principles of fair trade and cooperation that benefits all parties.

7. Internal Institutional Development and Universalization: I have seen local systems default in support of certain ethnic, racial, and Good Old Boy networks in a way that is similar to societies where ethnic, racial, and religious corruption/strife is brutal and common. We must believe and follow our Constitution to create/maintain societal stability/support from the widest amount of stakeholders in alignment with our conception of freedom. 

8. Capitalistic-Democratic Leadership, Social, and Wealth Circulation: We should encourage the best and brightest to rise as well as the capitalistic-democratic system to rejuvenate itself. That comes through ensuring there is room for new ideas, leaders, social groups, and opportunities that circulate throughout the system. It helps to create wider benefits of capitalism and greater decision making beyond current "connected" group think in our parties.

9. Reducing Domestic Extremism and Outside Election-Social Influence: We have to tackle how some of our politicians of both sides are encouraging and following extremist agendas. We need better methods of detection and new laws that can discover, analyze, implement and eventually overcome domestic extremism and foreign influence in internal national affairs.

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