Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Thomas Barrack Charged with Acting as a Foreign Agent. What is going on? More Loyalty to American Principles Needed

I'm saddened by what has been going on in my country. We are a great nation and unfortunately we have been going through some tough times in terms of the quality of our leadership. It is alleged Thomas Barrack a billionaire investment fund manager/owner was acting as an agent of UAE. That would be of concern considering we have multiple different entities potentially influencing our politics. 

What I can say is that loyalty to one's nation is needed by our leaders and independent of one's political leanings. There are great people who never get a chance to make billions, influence their government, or do good for their people. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty but its pretty smoky in this room.

Whether innocent or guilty what we can say we should not be in this place and this is a key point in the need for new people within our government to ensure that the flow of new ideas, thoughts, and concepts are pushing adaptability in a way that maintains focus on the development of our nation without alternative interest for foreign governments. 

Listening to our world stakeholders is very different then working for them. In an imaginary world if I was an imperfect leader of a large nation I would always be able to listen to the world's leaders but must make decisions in the best interest of my nation and for the world in general based on certain principles, oaths, and values. 

I have seen us water down our values and throw our principles in the trash when its convenient or helps our group. Someday we are going to have to commit ourselves to the higher principles of our nation as a the world's leading democracy. Its a sacred right and its a responsibility for our leaders. If they can't do it then let us consider voting in some new people. 

Lets politely ask our leaders (those that are selling out their national principles) that if they aren't going to take their oaths seriously if they would be willing to step down and let the next generation get a swing at the ball. Just saying. 

Now...let us vote for the first person who gives us a catchy jingle to remember such as, "The other party blah, blah, blah" without actually bringing forward workable solutions. I'm a Republican (Even if some see me as a Rino-Dino) that believes that loyalty to one's nation is important and the need to protect our Constitution such as 1. Freedom of Religion (All positive religions) and 2.) Freedom of Speech is important. 

Jury hears opening statements at NYC trial of Trump ally

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