Friday, September 23, 2022

The National Importance of Local Judicial Integrity

The rule of law is important for order within society and its important for the development of our most important asset "The people". Sometimes law is misapplied in an avenue to protect certain races, religions, ethnic or social groups. When this occurs it needs to be corrected in order to maintain the integrity of the entire system as well as ensure such institutions stay in alignment with national values. 

What happens when institutions move outside of alignment with national values and/or engaged in corrupted behaviors?

If these behaviors are apparent then it might fall under the purview of US Public Corruption and Civil Rights Division. Such a division looks at cases where coordinated police, judicial, or and/or clan aggression appears to be in violation of some of our nation's most important/cherished values.

We are a nation in transition and there are still places that feel that their clan is more important than the national laws and that is why Federalism exists to ensure that people are treated fairly so as to maintain the internal stability of our democracy around shared principles (Try and sell that one to some of our politicians and you will find many confused as to what their actual roll is. Let me tell you it has nothing to do with helping themselves...they call it public service for a reason. Otherwise we would call it self service. 🤷)

Without that fairness we do run risks as certain groups and people have seen and come to accept the "normalization" of horrendous displays of bigotry and hate. For example, the group that started coordinated aggression did so based on their perceived power of 100+ blind supporters, coaching/connection/support of a few local officers (looks like up to 5 involved in other poor behaviors), and likely historical rulings of a pro-clan/"local" judge. 

All that power against a guy protecting his kids (and self) from manipulation, hate, pulling over, etc... Such weak groups only do so when they were given immunity before starting and have overwhelming power against individuals (i.e. smirky attitude with local police support by some officers) and when they do not expect to be held to account. Sounds like a well worn path for some of the members. 

To me it is more important to challenge these behaviors than to trash the Constitution that protects freedom of religion and freedom of speech. As a nation will we will have pressures to push our development into an enlightened society that moves into a universal democracy (that will likely gain support by many nations) and digital era where human capital is maximized. 

We also face risks we won't adapt and fall back into darker times where race, religion and Good Old Boy networks destroy our performance and options. Those that are engaged in minority targeting behaviors have become a risk to the rest of us and take on roles related to domestic extremism when opinion (especially intentionally manipulated opinion) is acted upon. 

Its a choice and its not my choice. The only thing I can choose is what I will do (They picked fights, intentionally insulted, yelled out to my kids "your father is a bitch", and told me why they were doing this because we were Muslim.). Protect my family, encourage integrity, be polite but not passive, encourage a system that corrects its behavior for the protection of the community and live by what I believe are my American/"American" values.

 Others will choose what they believe the values they hold in their hearts.  I use positive peaceful pressure to turn this into a learning situation because I now wholeheartedly believe it is possible its happening all across the nation as some groups feel frightened and threatened by a changing world and changing national demographic (I don't feel challenged. No matter anyone's race and religion we are all equals and our institutions should encourage that. We have positive things to teach this world.)

I know! I know! As someone with a Muslim sounding name and what these people call "Nigga Baby" kids we are the first to get targeted, the first to lose our rights, and the first to be retaliated against (At least on a local level). We are not seen by some as being full blooded and valuable Americans. Its a fundamental value system. I don't know what the right answer is but it seems like there is no remorse or accountability and that creates a pretty big problem for me, and people like me. 

To forgive is one thing but to forget when those risks are still present is another. It would be irresponsible of me. It wouldn't be fair to any past or future victims.  

Some doors open and some close, let us see what happens.....

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