Monday, September 5, 2022

The Dangers of Coordinate Hate and Default of Justice Through Ethnic-Social Allegance

When people do bad things like lie, coordinate hate, and encourage destructiveness and violence we should expect a level of justice. However, we are not in a perfect world and we find that there are all types of roadblocks to moving from distortion to truth. The truth that will help us improve and build a modern society is often swept aside for ethnic/racial clansmanship and social familiarity.

Hate is a powerful tool and when wielded by someone suffering from a mental health condition and an unquestioning group of hate supporters you run the risk of serious breaks in society. Breaks based on necessity because of serious moral failures that influence the effectiveness of local institutions. 

These breaks occur when the laws apply differently to different thereby violating state, federal and UN/international laws. When local hate groups pervert justice through their social connections we should be appalled. We should be even more concerned when there are not enough checks and balances to ensure such groups don't get free passes for these behaviors.

However, in the "real world" this is likely a common practice with little to no recourse for victims. In many ways third world loyalties pervert the entire local system creating long term existential risks for all those not in the in-group. The more people are tied to a false identity, the more they are willing to circumvent the good judgement of law. It is a tool for supporting one's "own kind".

Those long term risk to our peoples and the future of democracy is dangerous and short sighted. Each time an official supports hate over moral conscious we have taken a brick from our foundation. If you asked these social group members, officers and sometimes judges why they supported a certain group they may struggle to understand the bigger picture of why fair treatment is important.

This disparity in treatment is why people are upset and that is why there were and will be people on the streets encouraging the system to reform (This is not a police argument which I support 100% and have lots of great police friends. It is a civil rights and national development issue I support 110%. Justice must function as it is supposed to function. ). When perpetrators know they are going to get a free pass prior to coordinating aggression (based on the support of some local officials) these are signs of defaulted institutions.

In other words, some of these local institutions no longer function for the good of society but in interest of their particular social, racial, religious, clan or political group.  They make decisions based on social connections like we would seen in war torn third world nations. It is an indication that the Constitution as a social contract is secondary do the needs of those making the decisions and their group. 

I'm an advocate for peaceful pressure to encourage the dysfunction that exists among some within our institutions to be rooted out to create a stronger, more fair, and honest democracy. It is a necessity for our next level of national development.  That belief in the inherent value of all human life doesn't always make you friends. Many times it does the opposite. People rage against those who they see different and do so with the wink and nod of some local officials.

Intervention isn't only about protecting the inherent value and rights of all societal members, nor is it only about supporting democracy, it is also about helping the perpetrators. Those that attack others and use manipulative behaviors have issues that harm and hurt everyone around them. Sometimes they have trails of such destructive behaviors and yet because of loyalties no one is willing to step in to help them. Caring and enforcement can come hand in hand. Doing so requires a wiser sense of justice.

We are transitioning from an older system to a newer one but some leaders are clinging distortions of the past. Few can see those changes in real time and look upon "locals" as above the law (Local being defined not by genetic history in the area but simply by race, religion and social connection creating two different societies. One in which I am trying to fuse back together but that will difficult if local corruption is inherent.). Decision makers are often not educated or studied history, sociology, trends, civil rights, and other sciences to see things as they are occurring in real time. They are further blinded by self interest.

Enlightened views of the false narratives of racial and religious bias will overshadow the misapplications and misunderstandings of the past. Science and macro data will help shed light on the failures of some who are in positions they are not qualified and have not truly earned. The trail of choices will be more highlighted and will be easy to see and discover not only by scientists but also by law enforcement and the general system of justice. We can see this now when research supports the history of consistent poor and biased decision making by some officials (An advantage of he digital era. You can't just pretend it didn't happen. While some may still be able to mask some poor behaviors it is difficult to remove all evidence.).

When we bend to hate through social and psychological familiarity we create divides that are playing throughout our nation as we speak (Its an undercurrent ready to surface at a future time. We should be proactive with our problems.). There are looming problems we need to deal with and we can't simply "free pass" our way out of them. We can't simply say we like the perpetrators and they have more rights then the targets. Its called blaming the victim and a sign of inherent corruption.

People are concerned that we are not taking the development of national human capital seriously and that could impact our long term success as a nation and peoples. There are those who benefit from not seeing the bigger picture and advocate self interested policies. We need enlightened leaders and enlightened judges to push the system forward.

It is people like me that have hope and desire the best outcomes where truth, justice, wisdom, and moral conscious come together to create a great nation where all people can succeed on their merits. The anchors of hate should not push our heads under the water when we must compete on a global scale. Half cylinders don't win races and will likely be our undoing (We know the risks and yet we often persist in poor decision making. Our biggest risk is to ourselves and those who fail to fulfill their duties in a universal manner.)

Its a hard hard sell to some who have bought into hate narratives and have used their positions to double down on distorted logic and self benefit. They can twist any law to support their preferred group or clan. These are not people who should be in important positions and their leadership capacity downplayed. They are not qualified to be judges, officers, or in official leadership positions. We should be voting for and encouraging the right people with the right moral compass to come forward and take these central positions.

If you step back for a moment and take a birds eye view you will come to find the wisdom in my words. Peace, love, and fair treatment of people within a universal framework makes sense and creates win-win situations. It ties us all to the same positive outcome where everyone benefits the most. It is really the only ethical path forward for our nation and its current moral hurdle. There are many paths to improvement but they all start at the same trail head with the same understanding of goals.

The horizon is bright because the excuses are becoming defunct, obvious and overplayed.  I believe we will make it over our current national-local humps to build something the world has never seen in history. Local corruption will be rooted out and I now spend a great portion of my time ensuring other minorities are not targeted and perpetrators given free passes for what would normally be seen as horrendous behaviors that violate everything this country should stand for.  

 Let us ask our leaders if they are going to step back into the darkness or step forward into the light. Everything in this life is a choice; personal and collective. There are consequential outcomes built into choice. You may be shocked to find that not all are walking the talk and fail in the proof of pudding test. There is no place for hate in today's society no matter how many lies we tell ourselves or how many friends we give a free pass. Local systems must be in alignment with national values and not support their preferred ethnic, racial, religious and social groups.  

Let us see where the winds of justice will blow next. It is not up to me to say because its not my decision to make. However, I will push forward with helping encourage the best outcomes for our local population and nation as a whole. I will be polite, engaging, and accepting of those capable of changing their distorted views. What I wont do is sugar coat what happened because I owe it to my family, the community, the majority of youth not in the "right" group, our nation and those warriors/military/heroes who died for our rights. I will not be party to the perversion of justice or the derailment of our national prospects. Hopefully I can convince others to take their duties seriously as well. ❤❤

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