Monday, September 26, 2022

Republicans Should Support FBI While Supporting General Oversight

 All systems must function as intended and I personally think the FBI is doing what they need to do. That doesn't mean on the very high end there isn't some room for oversight but at the same time they need to be free to investigate what they need to investigate. Before my fellow Republicans want to throw out the baby with the bathwater they should think about a few things.

The FBI's independence has uncovered potential espionage and an potential coup that would not have been discovered if we played politics as usual (Remember that it hasn't been publicly proven yet but it is something that we should be concerned about.). Their objectives are to ensure we keep our democracy moving forward based on the laws passed by our legislators (That is why there are different branches.). 

I'm always an advocate for change and think that general oversight is good on the upper levels but I'm not into angry retaliatory changes that further erode the ability to catch and manage those engaged in nefarious purposes. There is always room for improvement but only if the intent is to make more functionable. We must be serious with our politics if we want to succeed as a nation.

Let us consider that there needs to be enough independence to ensure it isn't being political swayed by far right or far left radical leanings. Likewise, there must be enough oversight on the top levels to make sure that it stays in line with the wishes of the people. It should not change so often as to be led by the nose of the flavor of the month movement. It shouldn't be so rigid as to not be adjusting to the longer term trends of society.

Get my point?

It needs to function, be neutral in politics, hold people to account of the law, and maintain its loyalties to the Constitution and its people. Some have argued that Americans should attack, defund, and get retaliatory with the FBI. I suspect those are many of the same people who felt it was ok to sack our capital, support political violence, potentially construct a coup, and bent a knee for self interest. 

Another reason why the best and brightest need to rise. People who are willing to make choices that can increase accountability and improve the system without wildly swinging the pendulum because they are upset they are getting caught. We need long-term strategic thinkers and that doesn't always come from a closed circle of "connected". 

I always support positive change and checks-n-balances in a reasonable way. I do not support breaking a system because people did wrong things and don't like being investigated. Take the reasonable and rational approach and recognize we need this system to maintain some level of independence of thought but not so much it can fall out of line. Yin Yang

You may read GOP readies political heartburn for an FBI it won't defund 

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