Friday, September 16, 2022

Putin and Xi Meet: Does it Having Meaning? Opportunities and Challenges for the U.S.?

It looks like the recent meeting Russia and China is an attempt by Putin to deal with the current loss in Ukraine (Be aware of the Ukraine-Russia conflict not being over yet as Putin seems to have a personality that doesn't just give up and walk away based on a single loss. Things will likely move more into the covert domain where he feels most comfortable and allows issues to be out of the eyes of the public. We may even see more military activities and/or new equipment coming into the conflict and boarder. Maybe or maybe not? Let us wait and see but always be prepared! ðŸ¤·). There are political reasons why he is engaging with China as to show he is trying to strengthen Russia by partnering with ideological allies in a way that helps internal dissenters feel as though he is effectively dealing with the situation (i.e. from a PR standpoint he is going to blame people under him for not providing good intel. That is only likely partially true but as a leader for his military he should have known one way or another. He didn't create an atmosphere where people feel free to communicate. That is the danger of overly top down management where power dynamics are at play.). 

Ukraine was strategic for its ports and maintaining what Russia viewed within its sphere of Soviet influence. Being beaten into a military route exposed the weakness of the Russian military and lack of sophisticated equipment to counter adversaries (Innovation historically flourished under capitalism. We think that is because of hard economic points but its actually based on human capital and motivation. This is also why in the U.S. we don't want to over concentrate wealth and opportunities into the "connected" upper crust. It should be a best and brightest issue where anyone who is willing to climb can achieve great things if they can use their unique skills and abilities effectively. Race and religion shouldn't factor into that and if it does we are still stuck in an older framework with the wrong subconscious symbols.). China is building sophisticated equipment, while slightly behind the U.S., it is important to consider the risks of that innovating in parallel to our own (Why we will be forced to change and that may come with some reorienting our politics to solving problems and not blind party loyalty that does little but create yes men/women. Not something we need in a learning nation that is built from open mindedness. I would like to hear people's unique ideas from both parties.) 

Based on ideological similarities there is likely going to be increased trade between the two nations to ensure communism oriented perspectives maintain their regional supremacy. This is where the U.S. will need to think about winning in Ukraine doesn't mean we can let up in our national development. If anything it should have done the opposite and taught us the necessity of advantages. We should strive to see over the horizon and create those advantages where we can.

We will need to overcome some human capital legacy issues that have been slowing our full development to match skill to innovation. That also means we should think of new models that can launch both our military/space and manufacturing industries forward so that it attracts further investment interest to create a sustainable economy. (I know! I know! I have a Muslim sounding name! I'm not expected to know much or achieve much. 💩 Maybe we should encourage our leadership to open their minds to the possibility that democracy is in a state of development and we must get it over the hill to unleash its awesome potential on a new platform. Or we can just argue endlessly as opportunities slip through our fingers.)

Putin concedes China has ‘questions and concerns’ over Russia’s faltering invasion of Ukraine

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