Friday, September 23, 2022

President Joe Biden speaks at the National Education Association

Biden provides speech at National Educational Association. The audio on this channel sort of stinks but I couldn't find a better one. I do agree with one thing, work provides a level of pride for people, and having jobs helps. There is also a internal conflict between MAGA and Old Guard Republicans. I think that is start to switch back to the central stance as legal issues ramp up. 

As with all speeches there are things I agree with and things I disagree with. Very wealthy people don't count their pay checks in the same way as poor people. So help on one level could be valid and beyond that we need to fix the system in general. That would include increased opportunity for people and ensure that health insurance functions well is another. 

The devil is always in the details and it if was easy to solve it would have been solved a long time ago. Market forces should determine the price of drugs but at the same time an argument can be made that the pharmaceutical industry has responsibility to society and the community. 

Money and profits go far but community and resources goes much further. Invest in the American people through reduced cost on important drugs. The question is do you reduce drugs through competition in an imperfect market or do you simply say the retail price for these drugs should be lowered outside of market forces? for yourself.

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