Sunday, September 11, 2022

President Joe Biden marks 21st anniversary of 9/11 attacks

September 11th marked a shift in our thinking as we begin to realize the dangers of extremism. January 6th taught us that extremism can be right here at home. No matter one's religion, creed, country, or other "ism" there is no legitimate moral or religious code that allows innocent people to be intentionally put in harm's way.

The sanctity of innocent life is a universal moral code that transcends all religions.

We have overcome one challenge and will overcome the next. It takes diligence to our core American principles and our oaths to our nation. We have something we can teach the world about how freedom is a blessing for any people who want to worship, live, and prosper in their own way. 

We have work to do and need everyone rowing in the same direction. There are struggles we still face and when we work together as equals we can achieve almost anything. That applies here at home and globally.

 Remember the past and draw whatever strength you can from it as to the necessity of preserving democracy for the future. If we lead other nations will follow.

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