Thursday, September 1, 2022

President Biden Discusses Soul of a Nation

 We are at a crossroads in this country and R and D have become increasingly divided on some issues and it is difficult for people to work across the isle. I'm a centralist supporter and while I lean light R I must say that our future is in our ability to draw both sides back to a rational center to solve problems (Oh! and do it over and over.)

 There is no place for political violence in our society and as soon as it is used as a tool it begins to break down the fundamental assumptions by which we all live. 

I have never seen a problem that is impossible to find a middle ground and think rationally about positive outcomes to make lemonade out of lemons. Everyone should be working toward problem solving and focusing on practical solutions that benefit the most people.

 R and D borrowing from each other to create these solutions is important and helpful. When good ideas come up they should be discussed with good faith efforts by both parties. What seems to be a plausible solution can be placed in the potentials categories for further mental consumption.

We are struggling in this generation and in many ways we should encourage people to discuss our looming issues and find lasting resolutions. Those who are not able to work within the system and use evidence to make decisions are not particularly qualified to lead the rest of us. 

Our nation's future is too important to waste it on ideologies that are likely to reduce our overall competitiveness. The same can be said for R and for L extreme political perspectives that try and define their solutions by being a polar opposite (I have seen some elements oppositional toxicity on both sides.).

 If solutions are not practical and well thought out then there are likely going to be difficulties with seeing options, discussing issues, settling on solutions, and implementation of good ideas. We are a large nation and it takes a lot of thinking to focus on pulling the various resources needed to adapt to challenges. That won't come from violence or chronic arguing.

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