Friday, September 2, 2022

My Version of American Doesn't Include Hate But Has Lots of Opportunity

My version of America builds off the best of prior versions and includes a universalization of values that encourages active economic engagement across all societal demographics in a way that leads to more rapid innovation that helps push us to the center of economic and investment supply chains. It is a place that lives by its democratic principles of freedom and allows those who have the skills to move upwards in a platform of broad based capitalism.

In my version hate, racism, extremism is against the core value systems we hold and are not rewarded in our systems because our leaders know better. No more will be the days of encouraging poor values that exploit people for self gain. An enlightened society bent on being the best it can as an adaptive, thinking and moral entity that works toward a higher purpose. 

(Yes, I know my version is at the moment a fantasy but it doesn't have to be.)

Each person born in this country has inherent value and as such is born into a society of freedom where their success and failure is dependent on their inherant skill and abilities. It should not be dependent on their wealth, race, religion, political party or social connections. Thus each child can reach for the stars and whether or not they make it depend for the large part on them and not extraneous factors.

(The utopianism of it all to have a society working on truth, logic, science and advancement. A place where all ships point once they have the capacity to do so.)

Having a society that is fair creates greater motivation that leads to higher performance. When mixed with the right economic policies and legal protections (business and civil) it can provide conduits for such behaviors to move forward through natural self interest and ability. 

Our nation can only succeed if it becomes a trusted place for international investors and a place where people know they are given a free hand to succeed. When and if problems occur the legal system will look at what is fair and just and not make decisions based on erroneous factors that are not tied to the actual value of human life. Criminals get held to account and good people go free. 

We want young people from across the globe to look positively on the U.S. and say "That is where I can succeed and that is where they treat people like me fairly."  Whether or not they make it to our shores is one thing but our ability to connect through the American brand to create new opportunities at home and globally is important. 

In my ideal America we have a sense of community and party politics are focused more on solving problems then creating them. Prince and pauper are held to account for their poor behaviors and those with good values are praised to help teach others how to behave. 

We are a nation where people know they can invest in our economy and in our values so they may earn some of the best returns they can on the global market . 

My America is a growing nation, solves problems, believes in freedom, attracts investment, and produces some of the best products/services on the globe. It is a nation that works well with other nations and can create civil, economic, and military treaties because people trust us and what we believe in. It is a nation where common sense and good judgment lead to global influence and positive outcomes.

 For the moment it may seem like a fantasy land but from time to time blinks across our periscope for just a second to let us know it is out there somewhere. Maybe just over the horizon. 

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