Sunday, September 25, 2022

Liz Cheney Should Stay and Rally "Old Guard" Republicans

I would be sad if the GOP loses Liz Cheney. Whether or not we agree on a political level what we can say is that she has integrity. The far right has turned very far right and has begun to outstrip its party. There has been some movement back to the middle as more and more information is coming out about the inner circle of certain politically connected groups. 

Instead of leaving I hope Cheney stays in the party and she begins to rally the "Old Guard" Republicans to start pushing out these far right extremists. While it won't immediately get her votes it is likely to be fruitful in the long run as the tide turns and hindsight kicks in. History often tells a different story that the way we see it at that time.

I like some things Trump did in terms of a few policies (i.e. boarder wall. Sorry its just an opinion and we still face some issues in society. We have to settle those and figure out an agreed path that helps those who need our help while ensuring we are not putting ourselves in harm's way. There are solutions and while I have a few ideas they are not that important in today's discussion.

Many of his ideas are good ones and I would like to play golf with him but I don't see him as able to really lead an entire diverse nation. I think the same hammer being used every time is not wise. I also think there are a few serious behaviors that could turn out to be troublesome for the nation. My vote is likely to go to one of the other Republican candidates (I haven't finalized my opinion yet.) 

As an "Old Guard" Republican I have to turn toward the rational center and encourage others in both parties to do the same thing. We have responsibilities to ensure that party politics doesn't derail our national development.  So the GOP needs Liz Cheney whether or not they know it or not. She should stay and fight for her Republican values and if she loses continue to fight until things start to bank in her favor.

I believe there are a lot of people in the GOP that are looking for direction and she could be one of the major players in that. It would be a tough choice but it is a choice. 

As always my loyalties lie with the Constitution and the American people. Parties are only a path to getting things done but parties must fall into line with essential American principles. 

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