Friday, September 9, 2022

Little Miracles of Moral Conscious and Empathy As Tools Against Hate: Path to Economic and Human Capital Development

Hate is something we have come to accept and more times than not its not taken seriously by law enforcement or the court. I understand that what I'm saying isn't going to sit well with those who caused the problem and those who support the problem. Tacking the normalization of hate is important because tackling it is one of the only real ways to truly overcome our divided societies. It is also the fastest path to national rejuvenation based on where we are right now and the untapped resources in our national mirror.

Thwarting hate is also one of the only ways to enhance our economic development with broad based human capital development. Engaging different peoples with different backgrounds to help us solve our national problems is important and an underutilized national asset. Doing the opposite has done us harm and deep down we know we were not always right in our perspectives.

If I'm ever in a position to influence others I will encourage fair treatment between peoples so we can put to rest these generational issues and encourage people to become part of the same national family. I really dislike politics and really feel as though its not always serving any of our best interests as people pander to their networks agenda but not necessarily the deeper needs of the nation and what will most likely be fruitful. That would also include encouraging our political parties to focus more on middle ground. 

We are divided in this country by different peoples because we don't always respect the strength of diversity. There are some people, officials, and groups that feel hate is the right answer and they will pervert the enforcement of laws to ensure that certain groups get preferential treatment. It makes no difference how wrong those groups are or how destructive they become if we dont have checks and balances.

We have a lot of people upset by the way they have been treated and by the historical consistency of hate and the seemingly lack of good solutions. It has hit us broadside in the January 6th insurrection and still we are highly confused on how to thwart it in the future. People are still getting free passes for things that should have been tackled and settled a long time ago.

For those of us who have been the target of hate our confusion is much less. We see it occur, recognize it, defiant against it. We see that the laws often turn a blind eye to it and we see its difficult to thwart with out support from out courts. When officials should have done the right thing they instead looked in the other direction for fear they may be rejected by those groups.

I'm on a new path in the second half of my life and I feel like its a good opportunity to serve my country, community, others and people through being a better person than those who hate and those who gave a free pass to hate. There are economic innovation and human capital aspects to my theory (Not bad for a person whose others thought was too stupid and a dreamer to go to college.). There are opportunities to tackle these types of issues and greater opportunities to learn from the mistakes of others.

While I proposed a good solution it wasn't good enough because it would have required a level of accountability. That is sometimes something that is unacceptable even though it would ensure that other people are not targeted and it would help create a better atmosphere for future community investments. I can't snap my fingers and make others see what I see.

(Let me add that there has been overwhelming love and support from people in our community that know what happened was wrong and immoral and likely corrupt. They give me nods of approval, put their hands on my shoulder, and welcome me when they see me. I know they understand the story even though we don't talk about it or they don't understand all aspects of it. Those are the good people who want a free society where we are all part of the same community as a connected people. 

Then there are those who continue with hate, spread hate narratives, who misuse their connections to law enforcement, and who are "better than" others. Even though not all hard core members of this group haven't fully learned their influence in distorting others is declining through defunct rumors and the lamp of truth. In many ways hate has backfired in its cleansing orientation and while its not overtly spoken people understand what happened and how it was wrong. This is where miracles can happen when moral conscious tugs at peoples souls {on a more spiritual than religious level} You can't force a judgement on peoples deeply held beliefs on the value of human life.

While coordinating stories and aggression and misapplication of justice may occur on one level the wrong has become part of the collective conscious. People know the groups loud arrogant entitled behaviors, know I'm a good person, and know that what I ask is reasonable because it helps the perpetrators solve their issues, requires a level of reform to protect the public, and improves the system. My input pushes our society forward and if we are not ready to handle that on a legal level we must come to accept we just aren't ready for the next stage of human capital development {Meaning we still have different laws for different people}.

A bad call through improper legal manipulations, coordinated testimony/aggression, and greed is a step back in our democracy but the very act has created more fuel for future momentum of change; an undercurrent of society embedded into its symbols and unwritten shared understandings. Meaning that the next time people watch poor treatment and corruption, the next time someone is targeted in our community, or next time this group goes after someone people will be much more likely to understand and help. I suspect the involved members and the trust of the institutions that support that behavior went down just a little in the community {That isn't my fault I have asked for good things. It is the fault of those who played games with the law}. There really is no free pass because it just changes and creates opportunity. Too bad we can't get more of our leaders to see the importance of change and the value of human life; assuming our systems didnt step up to the challenge of truth, law and moral conscious.

My plan and path is to be polite and not passive and help others learn about hate and how it is ripping at the soul of our nation. How free passes do cost us and while we are starting to grow as a country on an economic level we are not growing on a human capital level as fast as we should. We must first respect all life and then work toward treating that life as worthwhile.

To truly fulfil our national destiny as a free democracy where anyone with the right grit and values can succeed requires a level of change. Our leaders, judges, and politicians must stand for something greater such as the inherent rights written into the Constitution; even if it doesn't support their particular race, religion, clan, party or social group. They are the legal guardians of our cherished values.

I applaud wiser people who know the difference between right and wrong and want a great nation with a great future for the next generation (All of our youth no matter their background.). In many ways I do believe that even if we corrupt aspects of a system and give free passes for bad behaviors good people with good moral conscious will overcome those distortions. There is something magical in American democracy as a system that can self correct when darkness seeks to snuff out the light of our future and the futures of the next generation.

We can put in place the infrastructure but without putting in place the incentives and broad based human capital adjustments we will walk with a limp. Soon will be the time for Americans to run to ensure we maintain a strong nation based on its principles. A nation competitive against the growing power of other nations and ideologies. We have to get through some basic foundational work first and that starts with understanding the purpose of our nation as it relates to human dignity and putting in place the right resources i.e. infrastructure and universalized institutions that enhance the best of our peoples.

Let us wait and see what happens.....

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