Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Putting Minority Kids in Harms Way Through Coordinated Cleansing Behaviors: Suggestions to Fix

When a parent says lay off my kids because you are harming them and the perpetrators double back multiple times there should be checks and balances in place. The rights of parents should supersede the rights of aggressive groups. That is much more difficult if such behaviors are coordinated and appear to be part of a cleansing campaign of multiple officials, a group of 100+ supporters and a few law enforcement officers that don't want certain religions and races within their town. (Some may wonder why they are involved and I would retort I'm equally confused. You tell me! I guess it was the "cool" thing to do? 🤷) 

Our nation is better than that and if we allow such behaviors to continue forward without account we lost our capacity to guide other nations through moral forthrightness. Left to local choices we have the potential for much worse behaviors in the future. Ensuring that such behaviors are never repeated again is important for maintaining global leadership through informal influence and/or more formal influence such as the UN.

Most of these people are not evil but they are blind followers and that makes them dangerous under certain situations and circumstances (Some are very good people but they are caught in a network where they cannot truly be themselves or voice their opinion without risk of approval/disapproval. You can see that through the constant gossip, put downs and rumors that sort of plague their social connections.). There has become a long stemming acceptance of rude, caddy and aggressive behaviors against others outside of their social network. When there are a number of officials and officers involved in such behaviors that could create a serious break in our moral fabric and constitutional obligations. 

When parents say "no" to protect their children that is typically consider sacrosanct and yet they persisted beyond those red protective lines even after knowing those boundaries were established. Accountability for their behaviors is an absolute must when life has been devalued for personal gain. The law of protecting ones children should be higher than then any misapplication of law to support one's social group.

As an empathetic person that understands the deep dysfunction of hate and a keen systems perspective of corruption I encourage a number of things in the best interest of everyone involved. That includes taking the long route in trying to encourage those who caused the problem to make choices to help themselves before they harm themselves or others. My ignored and devalued outstretched hand of help were an attempt to encourage a level of grace that leads to greater awareness and personal management.

 I suggest we consider the following.....

1.) The perpetrators receive mandatory mental health evaluation and follow up so they may resolve their psychological issues and ensure they are no longer a threat to others within the community. 

2.) An audit and review of the financial incentives for adapting hate. I would also add a regular check up on the mental and physical health of an elder person where there were indications of intentional manipulation and misinformation for future financial gain (Just to be safe I think its a good idea and it is moral and ethical to help the elders of our society to ensure they are treated with inherent respect to make choices for themselves and not be manipulated for personal gain. That is even more important when there has been a prior history of calling police on people they are upset at and bragging about the money they have when setting someone up through false complaints. There is another person who they also called on in the recent past. They were not happy. Multiple witnesses.) Often coordinated hate comes with other benefits such as jobs, social praise, and financial gain. (Think back to the Tulsa Murders/Riots and how jealousy and greed led to mass murder of 100-300 minorities and sadly/embarrassingly not a single prosecution. Without more enlightened viewpoint of our Constitutional history we run the risk of repetition. Here or else ware.) 

3.) Reform of the local police department that was involved in the cleansing behaviors to ensure they are functioning well and fulfilling their societal expectations. Other departments corrected their behavior when they found out they were being mislead so they should have some leeway to adapt with discretion. While most of these officers are great people there were a misunderstanding of the function of law enforcement, distorted codes of silence, and poor internal controls. We can help those officers by giving them the tools they need to be resilient against internal, social, cultural pressure and report potentially illegal behaviors not only internally but also to state and federal stakeholders when necessary. (I encourage any officer in the "know" to report these behaviors before someone taps them on the shoulder.)

4.) The local college who engaged in coordinated hate be required to review their policies so they do not continue with discriminatory policies to ensure they are fulfilling the requirements of their accreditation and not misusing tax payer money for further discriminatory practices. Its not their place to base recruitment on intentionally bigoted rumors learned through their hate oriented social networks (I emailed the president of the university about potential ethical and federal violations but was ghosted. I would take that as an attempt to not deal with the issues when they are apparent and obvious. That was not the right approach and certainly not what we should be teaching students that legal games and ignoring serious issues.). 

5.) An investigation of other community complaints that appear to have been ignored, not follow up on, or reviewed appropriate in what appears to be an attempt to shield awareness of potential corruption. Departments have a responsibility to their whole community and not their specific social, racial, or religious groups. Some of the allegations are very serious and require an outside review to protect the public. I would also include mandatory reporting of any future potential hate crimes as there is likely low reporting levels (One must wonder how many other victims there are out there? Such behaviors appear to follow well worn paths.).

Now I understand that these are considered excessive by those who committed these acts and those who feel they should be immune/above from the law. I have obligations to protect my family and ensure that these acts never happen again at any point to me, my family, minorities/majorities, or any other person. They devalued people, children, and our national values. Duty to oneself and duty to one's nation is more than blindly following clanship and ethnic and religious bigotry (... that includes political leanings). 

I understand that what I say will not be popular with extremists and racists but there are higher moral principles at play. We will either step back or forward in our national development. These are real choices with real future outcomes. Contrary to popular opinion it isn't those who support hate that will get us to the next rung it is those who ensure these behaviors are not happening in other time, places, and communities within the nation. I will be polite and I will be supportive and open to community reconciliation but I will not be passive or sugar coat hate and its dangers. As a nation and a people we will have to decide if we are going to have a society where such behaviors are acceptable or we are going to build something where all of us can achieve. It is a fundamental question to the actual value of freedom and civil rights and our commitment to it on a national level.  

"The Bitch" as they call me or a Patriot who believes in our essential American values as codified in our Constitution and good moral judgment? You decide. 🧐🤮✌💨

Let us see which doors open and close......

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