Thursday, September 8, 2022

How Do We Fix Systems Warped in Favor of Certain Races, Religions, Politics and/or Social Connections?

We have a history of sometimes treating minorities, which will soon be majorities, as second class citizens. I have seen this in my life where crimes/in appropriate behaviors that were committed against me appear to be given a free pass. Worse, they coordinated with a few law enforcement friends and knew they were immune from such behaviors prior to launching a campaign. No accountability for obviously inappropriate, illegal, and immoral aggressions to clean people out of their community. It runs afoul of our Constitution, our civil rights and the needs of our future.

The problem is that not everyone, maybe not even the majority of people, believe in those old documents any more. They have become warped in the minds of many of our leaders and essentially a mute system that doesn't always seek to do the right thing. We continue on in history making bad choices in favor of short sighted people in a way that raises the difficulties for the entire nation. 

While I have asked for the most reasonable prosocial and positive outcomes they have fallen on deaf ears. Not a single person need to go to jail or be in trouble but reform of corrupt practices is a necessity as well as helping those who caused the problem get the help they need (I know...completely dumb idea to not allow certain anti-American hate based behaviors be at the forefront of our small town livelihoods and social connections. To those who were not targeted, or who have no idea what its like, it seems all so silly, stupid, and hype doesn't it?). Likely sounds harsh to those who want to maintain immunity for their "own kind"; whatever sect they belong.

To me making change helps a lot of people and it helps us become a stronger nation. I cannot say why we have certain free passes for some and not for others. I must not be understanding something correctly or all of the background mechanics. Uttering the need for fairness gets you deer in headlights look, a shoulder shrug and a giggle when they walk away.

We don't get to say we believe in religious and racial freedom and then make that apply to a specific religious sect and/or a specific racial background. A nation of factional cults doesn't work. We must walk the talk of Enlightenment! Our nation is about striving for a better world and greater freedoms! 

Now if such disparity are true that frightens me because my kids will have few opportunities in this life because we have a misunderstanding of our national purpose. They will be blocked out and it will not matter their merits for earning opportunities. It only matters their race, religion, party affiliation and/or social connections. 

I peacefully and humbly encourage our leaders to raise from the trash bin our discarded Constitution and sense of moral forthrightness (Not the political kind they been beating each other over the heads with.). That they stand for something greater than themselves and their self interests. We must stand for the nation as a whole and the different peoples that live within it.

While many have long given up their moral authority to make decisions over others with any real sense of  understanding I do believe there is growing group of politicians, leaders, and people coming to recognize that the seemingly intentional mistakes of the past cant continue forward for the general health of the republic. 

Someday our nation may run the risk of a serious break based on necessity and ignorance like many great nations before us (Yes I understand some think we are magically immune). We are not immune from the scientific effects of divided values,  perceptions,  and loyalties. Two masters cant be served long without dissonance growing. We see playing out through different arenas from protests on streets to politicization of our institutions.

They are a small group of enlightened and wise people believing in something greater but I believe they will become more important and vocal as our nation begins to feel the effects of not adapting to the next rung of democracy where all citizens are treated with inherent value and respect. We are in a state of becoming where pressure to change is running against the feeling of security and privilege of the past that must be overcome for a universal system to take root.

I will be positive and polite but I believe our nation and its future is more important than the "isms" that are derailing our growth, our values, and our future viability. While many leaders can easily discard their values and duties for convenience and self gain I cannot. 

I'm a father and want the best for my children and the next generation so I will peacefully push for a better world where we have the most options, most opportunities, stronger sense of universal justice, in alignment of a vision what we were supposed to have. 

Makes no difference if truth forces me to be a highly educated dishwasher or propels me to a place where I can uphold our national ideals. Good people have responsibilities. Bad people have no loyalties but unto themselves. I can forgive my aggressors but I cannot forget their behaviors or the free passes they may have been given. To forget means we haven't learned or adapted.

Shame! Values are still important and is what ties us together! While my words may fall again on deaf ears, history will likely show me to be in the ball park correct. Everything starts with a basic respect for human life and the freedoms-liberties drawn from that respect. If we cant do the basics then let's get to recognizing where we are and the long road we have to regain our sense of national purpose and moral leadership. 

Let us see which doors open and close. 

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