Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Freedom TO Hate but Not the Freedom FROM Hate

TO and FROM are different words and apply differently to hate. One is projected onto others and others is in defense of such projections. Freedom has becoming increasingly confused in our society where freedom to hate starts taking precedence over freedom from hate. Until we flip flop these concepts where one has more rights to protect themselves/others/family then those who engage in hate targeting we are eventually going to have a societal upheaval. 

While we might have opinions on people's races and religions we don't get to project those onto others. . Worse, we don't get to use our institutions as extensions of that hate simply because we are aligned to a certain group or clan. As frightening and backward as it sounds there are people still doing this! It comes down to essential root values that left unaddressed risk our democratic future (Why I advocate looking over the horizon and fixing problems before they become bigger problems.)

Before you get excited this isn't really just a minority issue anymore. We are a nation of minorities and the situation can apply to multiple different peoples with different backgrounds so it is something we must master. Most are stuck in their limited perspective through their own ethnocentric subjective reality (Not race or religion specific.) . As a diverse nation we must ensure that those who want to cause harm are not given preferential treatment over victims based on distorted symbolism and logic (Our symbolism is in transition and that is why there is some commotion and social upheaval. It takes time for new ideas to fully embed into our culture and collective conscious and make their way throughout our institutions. Republicans and Democrats will likely be on similar perspectives when it comes to human capital development.)

I have seen hate in action and the free pass given to those who felt they were immune from such behaviors (In many ways they were but not all the way. Lots of grey area.). It didn't make logical sense to me from an evidence based standpoint but I must admit there are many things in this world that make me scratch my head (The wonders of life and people.). What I can say is that while most people and places try to do the right thing there are those who do not. Some pervert and circumvent the law to maintain lower order values. 

To me and the situation I saw its not about "getting people in trouble". It is about creating an atmosphere of improvement 1.) helping those who have highly aggressive personality traits resolve those issues for the safety of others (help them and others); 2.), ensuring there are greater protections for targets when they draw red lines; 3.) proper barriers between friends, clans, groups and law enforcement (i.e. to ensure they are not able to skew the purpose of law enforcement or misuse authority to ensure that authority and its value are retained for protecting and serving the community); 4.) ensuring institutions don't circumvent their missions for bigotry or social gain (i.e. local college misusing tax payer dollars and violating Federal Law to support their ethnic/religious homogenous networks); 5.), making sure community complaints are investigated (To protect the public and maintain the purpose of law enforcement); and, 6. reviewing the incentives (including manipulation of the elderly for financial gain.).

When you and your family are the target and you request a protective boundary and people triple up in their aggression to violate that boundary there is a problem with that group. That becomes even more apparent when they cannot see perspectives outside that group. When local systems default in protection of their friends, clanmates, and ethnic group we have deeper issues at play (i.e. meaning it is a pattern that likely was used before.). 

This is where the legal system should consider the rights of Freedom TO Hate (No such thing) and Freedom FROM Hate (What our social contracts were designed to protect). It strikes at our nations beginning, purpose and future! I believe in learning from every situation. We must leave the door open for reconciliation and a better way forward but we can't sugar coat behaviors least they skew our development as a people. Its bigger than this situation but does give good insight as a model of what could happen under the wrong circumstances and lack of checks and balances. All good karma!🤓💓

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