Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Following Two "Masters" Can be Dangerous for 2 Important Considerations: National Health and National Assets

Its an interesting state of affairs to watch the justice system at work. We have potential serious crimes that may have been committed, large groups of biased blind followers, potential large scale damage to the nation, and different laws for different people at play. We are struggling in this nation with some big issues as it relates to essential purpose. Presidents should be responsible for their behaviors in the same way as the little people are responsibility for their behaviors.

The problem is that it isn't the way it actually works. Know the right people means laws are applied differently. Be from the wrong background and the laws are sometimes applied differently and most people believe that such disparate decisions are a part of our local, state, and national lives. That was never the intent of the founding fathers who expressly warned against royalty and special rights. It is we who have sold out our principles through not doing the right things from the beginning and that has allowed our problems to compound and we watch them keep compounding. Let us just sort of wait and see how this all ferrets out.

Unprecedented "Special Master" Ruling

Now when unprecedented things happen one must sort of scratch their head for a minute and take it all in. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial and everyone has the be assumed innocent until proven guilty. However, there are also lots of reasons bubbling up from all over the legal landscape of a trail of different wrongs occurring. That means that its is likely much more than an hunch by the DOJ and there are good reasons to be concerned that some orders may temporarily derail the process of discovery so that the the truth, whatever it lands, comes forth. I understand optics and they are important but delaying justice too long and/or making the process of discovery cumbersome or impossible moves beyond optics and hints toward possible political based obstruction. You may need to make your own decisions. Florida judge throws Trump, DOJ curveball with special master decision

Compromised Assets and Foreign Intelligence:

In 2021 there was rash of American spies being caught and killed. If so that has done irreparable harm to our nation and have risked not only our intelligence gathering abilities but also our national assets. If this is true and if it was intentional for personal gain that would create serious moral considerations for any further support from any arena of such behaviors (A huge political risk for those who support blindly, vocally, loudly and exclusively. Most of them will just scrub their sites and sing a different tune to create distance. Its a character and integrity issue of people we elect to lead us. Its not party specific at all. Its a need for opening the system to people from different background that might be more qualified.) If done by accident then that would be an issue of general incompetence and lack of respect for very important intelligence assets and the need for serious caution when handling such information. New protocols and rules need to be implemented so that everyone appreciates the sensitivity of such information. Of course it is all fabricated and a lie but that seems to be increasingly less likely as the cry wolf stories are catching up. Trump FBI raid could have ‘some connection’ to murdered CIA assets, MSNBC's Joy Reid speculates

Guilty or innocent makes no difference in this case even though that is what everyone is concerned with; I couldn't care less. What does make a difference is how we handle these situations and how some of us are given leeway that the rest of us will never have. The class and caste system is alive and well even though we started this nation to discard those old ways. Over the centuries these systems have crept back in and have become supported (I have seen people do bad things and walk). Some have more opportunities, some have more rights, and none of it has anything to do with the quality of the person or their character. Who you know might make all the difference in outcomes; let us wait and see if the system can allow the process of fair and impartial justice to occur (Makes no difference if you are Republican, Democrat, for or against Trump, an extremist far right, an extremist far left, etc... none of it makes any difference. Our nation and its principles should be bigger and better than it all if we hope to move forward into our next stage of development. All dissonance should result is us moving to the next level and not fall back to previous levels. These are things within the system and not above it; at least they should be.). 

I lean light R but I owe my values to a higher principle than simple destructive blind politics. Our nation cannot be torn apart simply because we want this or that side to win. We have greater responsibilities and in some cases you can see the intentionally sinking of the ship by some politicians and officials (Sort of against their oaths). I do believe the Constitution, those loyal to it, and the general will of the people to live peaceably together will win out. We need the best and brightest to rise so that we are not so easily skewed into following two "masters" at once. You might want to review a piece of historical literature that was once our guide. One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All. We sometimes forget that on a local and on a national level. Sometimes free passes cost us in the future.

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