Saturday, September 3, 2022

Different Laws for Different Races and Religions: The Need for Enlightened National Values

We as a nation to should strive for equality and fair treatment so as to maximize our most precious asset-the people. It is the only path by which we can tie a diverse country like ourselves to a central focus where coordinated effort leads to global influence. It takes a whole nation with all hands on deck to achieve the next stage of socio-economic platforms.

While it may seem like a hard sell to many within our country to encourage fair and equal treatment it is increasingly becoming an absolute necessity for global competitive ability through enhanced human capital development. 2 out of 4 cylinders is not a fast car.

Its not easy to convince people of the need to step outside their social networks to see the greater national benefit of developing broad based inclusive economies. Some view it as as win-lose while others view it as a win-win situation. It all depends on who they perceive is gaining and who is seen as loosing.

Much of that has to do with personality, social and personal perspectives. When we make decisions to give a free pass to hate it isn't because we made such decisions with moral conscious at the forefront of our thought. The confusion only comes into place when there is a pre-existing distortion of values that filter through our decision making.

It is because we see perpetrators as similar to ourselves and we sympathize with their desires to dominate other peoples. The laws should be universal by nature to ensure that certain clans, races, and religions are not treated special and given free pass to harm others. Each case is decided on its merit in way that is independent of such superficial perspectives.

To stand up to such hate is difficult if the local system has become accustomed to giving free passes to certain peoples based not on their behavior but on their social connections (The connections they bank on to give them a free pass and the connections that help them profit financially from their behaviors.). When institutions default (i.e. a local law enforcement department and community college) we know we have deeper problems at hand (It appears that the other departments understood the dishonest nature of the perpetrators. One department persisted based on their social closeness to the initiators.). 

Who is right?

Is it the good old boy networks that have become accustomed to getting their way through social bullying and pressure or is it the dirty dirty "Muslim" with his "nigga baby" kids (as they lovingly call my children) who must stand against a group of 100+ blind adherents?  (There has been some small indication that some of the members have begun to question the rumors of their leaders and have started to think for themselves. This is the breaking point that I have been looking for when logically the lies that their leadership spread is no longer seen as logical and for good moral reasons they begin to peel away through better judgement. That isn't going to be everyone but there will be a sense of doubt and hesitancy in coordinating aggression.)

Then I think back to the civil rights movement and how such values do not apply in every time or place. We are a little spotty about it at time. I think our country and its people are worth full civil rights and I believe that my kids should be able to walk in any place in any town in this country without being targets. In other words, it isn't up to racists and bigots to decide where they can go in the future.

We have had generations of people who have suffered/died for these rights and to have them swept away through these networks seems to be a serious violation of human rights and short sighted thinking. There is more to it then the egos of those who who wanted to profit off of distortions as our future is tied to fair treatment.

If we care about our country as many leaders claim they would start thinking about long term solutions on many different levels and put down the childish demonizations of everyone who may hold differences with themselves. While there may be a couple of paths to the same place it must all start on the same trailhead. 

Where we step now is somewhat dependent on those internal value systems and what we believe on a deeper level. A free pass for coordinated hate is not fair. What will become a weaker nation if a huge portion of society is locked out from equal and fair treatment (I think we now know there is a better path forward.). 

Personally, I believe as a nation we will come to accept the folly of distorted values and its influence in our institutions. We will stand for a greater purpose and cause that will lead a freer and more prosperous land where every child has to right to grow, develop, fail or succeed on their own capacities. We will come to see the need for universal justice based not only on necessity but also on wisdom.

 I can't justify in my head how to give a free pass to obvious dishonest and aggressive behavior simply because they have the right social connections or race or religious background to corrupt local institutions. I think I would feel pretty bad about myself If I felt some people are worth more than others based on my social networks or personal perspective of life. I would question my logic and find a better way.

Who says I'm right? The sad truth is not everyone things I am....perhaps not enough to tip the scales toward the light.

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