Saturday, September 10, 2022

CIA Says Russia Heavy Price: Could Russian Loss Be an Opportunity for Russia to Reengage Democratic Free Market Principles?

Russia is loosing its grip on Ukraine and that will likely have some serious repercussions for Russia on an economic, political, and military front. Even if Russia looses the war there are some opportunities for Russia to reconnect with the world and democratic free market principles under certain swift changes. That might take some real effort by many Russian leaders that haven't bought into the war hype.

(Always a word to wise. Ukrainians should be prepared for retaliatory measures and push back from Russians. This would be a good opportunity for Russian leaders who want a strong and healthy nation to remove those Cold War elements/mentalities that caused so much harm and get on with prodemocratic free market reforms.)

Let us play out a quick scenario. I got things going on today so I'm not going to waste a lot of time. Just be mindful that there are lots of different things going on and different options and routes people/nations can take. We don't know what we don't know. 

Scenario: Russia looses badly and the Oligarchs (especially the ones who know people who have been thrown out of windows, disappeared, "got sick", etc.) and more committees successfully replace Putin. With a regime change and more assurances from other Russian leaders that they will reinitiate reform that might go a long way in the UN (Yes they were initially afraid to stand up to Putin but it could sort of create a sign of relief the whole country doesn't follow such tactics.)

While it will certainly take time to return Russia back to a trustworthy world player it is possible with new leadership, new strategies, and changes that include checks n balances. That time is likely to be shorter than doubling down on an existing bad strategy that hasn't worked out well already. Isolation isn't going to do Russia any good. So they have to make the necessary steps to engage positively the world community. Quick withdrawal and reoperations might help in a good will gesture.

(It is also an opportunity for the U.S. leaders to reflect on the importance of building a universal democracy we can sell to other nations and not blindly following key personalities {especially ones bent on control versus guiding} and/or political factions. We can be smarter and wiser by becoming a learning society that watches what happens in the world and then looks over the horizon and be proactive.  💁) 

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