Thursday, September 15, 2022

Brookings Institute: Opportunities to strengthen and expand supply chains in North America

I was looking for something else but came across this. The U.S. is at a unique point in their history, based on the push into the Digital Era catalyzed by Covid and world conflict, to return to the central stage of advanced manufacturing. There are opportunities for economic development and human capital development/enhancement. If you take a broad look at the environment (i.e. environmental scan and global mindset) the iron is starting to look fairly hot for striking. Being the center of the supply chain and one of the best places to invest through the advanced innovation (innovation clusters) can lead to long term national health. That is if we get our politicians to put down their petty grievances, sideline those that detract from our future, and work together to solve problems. Right now other issues seem to be of primary concern (Vervet Monkeys). We need the best and brightest to rise by opening the door to human capital development development as wide as possible. Just like we transitioned from nobility to the merchant class we are now moving from the "connected" to a more inclusive nation where actual skill is important (Not because everyone wants to but because we will have to run at our highest capabilities. It is in the best interest of everyone.) Wait a minute before you judge what I'm saying.

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