Tuesday, August 30, 2022

When Free Passes for Coordinated Hate Should be Criminal

In this country we have a problem. We have allowed those who commit crimes against others a free pass and there is no justification for it. While we may make up 100s of distorted reasons why we have done so it comes down to a fundamental issue; institutional acceptance of bigotry and hate (Of course there is always the possibility they were not given a free pass but what I have seen it looks like those who have harmed me and my family where given wink and nods for their behaviors.). 

If so, that means Americans of the "wrong type" are targets in other places and the courts struggle with understanding our civil rights and standing up for them. That creates a long term existential risk to half the population and to the nation as a whole (Actually the whole nation as different groups can pick and choose the rights ands wrongs of justice). Its not the place I remember as a kid and its not the America I read about in our history books. 

I'm not going into the many reasons why a free pass for targeting parents and kids is immoral. I'm also not going into the political and legal games people play across our nation. I'm going to say we should know the difference between right and wrong. If we don't, we need new leadership across our institutions and country to protect the "undesirable" half of society; depending on which group you belong.

I have no fear anymore challenging the acceptance of criminal and coordinated hate by some members of society just because they were socialized to accept that hate and knew prior to beginning they were "immune" for such behaviors (That is what happens when you can coordinate with corruption and the system breaks down.).  So much I'm posting my address for any hate group that feels they want a "clean" society. 

5233 18.9 lane Gladstone, MI. 49837. (I would give you my number but I really don't want to deal with the annoying hate calls that most other people who disagree with something have had to deal with.)

It is my protest against the acceptance and lack of accountability for hate groups and the supporting connected few officers that put us in harms way. We should be better than this. I will not call 911. I'm sure they would do their duty but you can't take back what happened without a correction to ensure it doesn't happen again.

 (Mostly good officers and I applaud their work but I have seen what I have seen by a small minority of "connected" officers to that group and what appears to be a lack of local courts ability to stand up for the Constitution. I have asked only that 1.) the initial people who launched their hate network to have a mental health check and follow up to ensure they are no longer a risk; 2.) A review of the financial audit of incentives; 3.) a review/investigation of community complaints and 4.) adjustments in policy to ensure there are checks and balances in place. Not a single person needs to go to jail unless more is discovered then what I'm aware of. These are reasonable duties of our court system if it is focused on truth, justice, and moral values.)

Why? Because sometimes our courts fumble with fair and equal treatment in our society and in the modern century its no longer acceptable (Its a sign of decay of democracy). We have far right extremists gaining power, and we have politicians unable to stand by their American values, and we have people tired of free passes. We went through an era of massive protests that are likely to come back and really give us a bit if we don't start doing the right thing (I have always encouraged these groups to peacefully get their point across and work within the system. Likewise, I tell them they are wrong when they are wrong or too quick to judge. I don't see that changing.). There are no/few protections for the wrong type of Americas and there seems no desire to have values or codes when it comes to them.

Let me add an easy justification. I'm a light right Republican but believe Trump lost the election and whether or not he knows it many of my fellow Republicans are aware that such widespread fraud is implausible, the transference of classified document to foreign groups is a possibility (As an unsubstantiated theory but could be "willful" negligence. I felt that way about 2 hours after the riots started when I first thought it was a constructed coup and people were running wan ton through offices. See Capital Upload and Classified), and that half of Republicans (About 1/3 able to stand for democracy and truth and about 1/3rd shuddering in fear of standing up for their nation and 1/3 of the vocal ones bullying the others and the rest of the nation.) have long given up their ability to decide things independently for themselves (I guess that is the same for Democrats for their specific issues.)

If we were going to do the right thing we would have already done it. It's simple. All life has value regardless of how we apply the law or misuse the law to support our social networks. My plan was always to be polite but not passive. We owe it to our futures, and our kids futures to build a better America. Assuming there is a future for people like me I will be polite and engaging but I will not support "normalization" of hate nor the legal acceptance of damaging the "wrong" types in our society. There are no words that can describe the growing social and legal acceptance of violence and hate.

As a single parent I'm drawing the line that even protecting your kids from harm by telling aggressive community members "no" is too much for the system to handle and justification for all ill becomes "normalized". I have supported that system in many ways (...and at this moment supporting that system to learn and develop.. Telling our short sighted judges and leaders there is more to this country then its skin color or political bent.) and have helped officers and people throughout my life (I'm not a perfect person but I'm a pretty good person and deemed by much of society as having less worth or value. That Muslim sounding name many in our country bonkers. Something I went out to test 20+ years ago for my dissertation and only recently have received a more definitive answer. Its still a mixed bag with more loyal and wise Americans getting it while some rage unrepentantly. I teetered for a long time seeing both good and bad. It was always just a little too close for comfort but didn't know what to do with it. Maybe this is the path forward now.)  

That is my fear, that we have normalized these behaviors and there is almost no one to stand up to do the right thing (Could be a sign that there are just too many justifications for the wrong things.). What kind of American/"American" would I be if I willingly accept demise of the one thing that made our country great. Making American Great is about ensuring the Constitution (and the actual application of that Constitution) maintains its value and that maximizing our most precious resource as national human capital can flourish (not just our politicians, specific races/religions, the wealthy or "connected" groups.).

Let's see what direction our institutions turn, toward the Torch of Enlightenment or the darkness of social sanctioned cleansing and felonious hate. There is more to our oaths and responsibilities than making perpetrators feel good about their behaviors. Freedom should not be a dirty word even though some of our leaders made it unfashionable. There will be people like me who say no matter the consequences our country and what it stands for must always align over the horizon to the highest possible standards. We have responsibilities to ourselves, to society, to democracy, and to the world. A free pass is derelict in those responsibilities and smacks in the face of all those souls who died protecting our rights that SHOULD define our country (That includes my grandfather and great grandfathers despite my Muslim sounding name. While some may not agree based on their own bias I'm doing the American thing and what many of our leaders are afraid to do....stand for something more than themselves.)

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