Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ukraine Fights Back: Russia on Run?

It appears the Ukrainian troops are pushing to retake land. New equipment, new support, new strategies, and an initiative. The key was that they allowed Russia to expend significant resources trying to take protected ground with ROC techniques and once they have stretched out their supply lines striking back at just the moment the troops would have consolidated their ground (their weakest point.)   Can Ukraine win war

Russia is not done and the counter initiative will take time. The Ukrainians will need to put in place some defense lines that will slow down a return push by Russians. This is where kill zones during a mad frenzy of reckless Russian effort might be helpful. Set them up in advance, move back a little over these lines and let the Russians walk right into them and then push them back out with chopped up numbers. 

Push forward, receive tough resistance, set up kill zones, back up over these lines, let the Russian advance into the kill zones, and then push them back out when they are weaker, broken up and demoralized. I haven't seen that in the history books in exactly that way but it would make sense in quick paced battlefields where log jams need to be broken.

I suspect that would occur if Russian resistance gets to high in response to Ukrainian push ....where the Russians don't have defensive positions to fall back on and must move forward of have a full retreat. 

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