Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Financial and National Value of Classified Documents

Information is worth money and information will buy you global friends. That is even more true when those friends are not best buddies with the U.S. and/or ideologically opposed to democracy and what we deem the free world. Politics as usual stops at the door where national security and interests are harmed. I mean, at least it should. 🤷

(As a side note. I have been kind of grossed out lately by politics. ) 

Whether you vote for your conscious, actually represent the needs of people in your districts, or just plain want to look awesome having your name associated with "big players" and/or government positions (Which actually have duties associated with them. I know I know few expected elected officials to actually do their duties. Not to mention the qualifications issue as we don't think much about when we vote.) I think there should be some limits. 

If classified documents were sold, moved like chess pieces, or transferred intentionally (or through willful incompetence) in a way where one would have known they were damaging their own country that would be beyond the grossest of all Benedict Arnolds behaviors in history. 

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. What I can say is that lots of smoke from all over the place. So most likely lots more to the story. Let use see what happens next. 

P.S. this is another good reason why we need to elect the best and brightest regardless of their race or religion (Something we are still struggling with but don't have to if we universalize our system for the digital era.). We could be the full and high performing democracy we were destined to be.

Moved and Hidden Classified Documents

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