Sunday, August 28, 2022

Rep. Adam Kinzinger Discusses the Needs of Republicans and Paths Forward

Some people I respect because they are unapologetic for standing up for their country (Even If I don't believe in all their policies or perspectives.). Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R) encourages Old Guard Republicans (I would add Liz Cheney to that group of genuine Republicans. Btw she is not done...she will likely be an even more powerful player soon.) to reclaim the party's central values.

There are a few others as well but most have zipped their lips in fear even though we know most are just repeating what they think will get them elected/reelected. To me if you support destructive behaviors and then it becomes unfashionable you don't get to redo a mistake in hindsight.

(Its one thing to be confused with misinformation but another to be a blind supporter. We must always decide what is the best path forward and that is for democracy, equality, and national development.).

I'm a light R and while I share similarities with many Republicans my family and I have been targeted for my Muslim sounding name and mixed race kids which justified open "normalization" for hate based coordinated activities and the difficulty to understand or hold it accountable as inappropriate.

 (There are people who openly talk about civil war and encourage cleaning their communities on a local and national level with impunity. We struggle with what it means to be an American and why we should encourage a spirit of togetherness. If you don't believe me, read the news.)

If we are going to survive as a nation we have to stand for our shared American principles and not our blind party politics (of any side), ethnic-racial groups (Of any background), distorted social networks, or specific religious affiliations (Its about the right to practice religion freely and that is why it was written that way. The specific religion isn't important.). We as a people are better than this and we need to start focusing on rebuilding our nation and its central values.

The idea of America is based on freedom for all our members and that keeps the Torch of Enlightenment on for those who come into her Bay (Except this generation where confused values and hyper focus on self enrichment have crept in to nearly smother that light. If we can keep the ship from being commandeered and likely intentionally sunk the next diverse generation will pick up where we stalled.) . 

 Sometimes, many times, we are failing to stand for our basic values simply because it takes the work of thinking through the options and the moral courage to fulfill our duties (Of course at the time we need to compete the most! We have growing threats from Russia and competition from China. Patriotism is about those central American values and supporting our national togetherness and competitiveness.)

To me RINO is someone who hijacks the Republican name in an attempt to support inappropriate values and growing radicalism in politics that includes ever more acceptance of political violence. The crueler you are, the more people vote (support) without consideration of the needs of the rest of society or the next generation.

Judges, politicians, minorities, FBI, IRS and just about anyone else have been a target of extremist groups and some sit silently saluting their efforts (Some R, Some L, and some just messed up.). I know first hand the dangers and don't really care about consequences when free pass for moral failures are passed out like candy at a parade (I think I owe it to my kids and my fellow Americans to have an opinion that strengthens our nation and opportunities for the most amount of people.).

We are not doing well seeing, understanding or thwarting this type of extremism (Politics give it a shield and I believe in many ways its a type of manipulation that will come back to haunt us.) Some people are encouraging it so I appreciate people like Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney much more than those who give lip service to their values, their oaths and their moral conscious.

I encourage the silent majority of Republicans to reclaim their party or otherwise we not only risk a serious split within the party (perhaps the nation) but also a deep dive for the prospects of democracy as a viable self governance system for our youth.

We have serious responsibilities to our nation and people as we get no redos if we make a major mistake (We can't look back and say "Yikes...I'm sorry can I try again".). Think long and hard what your leaving behind. Peace and prosperity are just over the horizon....just waiting on the rest of America to decide they would like that more than the other paths open to them. 

(I once thought about politics but I just don't see how I can say I hate my fellow Americans that much just because they differ in opinion or follow a different philosophy or have different ideas. I want to talk to them and listen and share my specific Republican values but I don't want to make up things to embarrass, harm, punish, or encourage others to attack the other side. I would also prefer they don't do that to me. Like many people who first entered politics I suppose I would have loved to solve problems; that is not what it has become. Been evaluated three times a genius and I feel pretty dumb as I don't think I know much compared to the confidence by which many of our politicians speak. Such confidence and ability to sell that confidence better than any salesperson I ever met. They all know the answers and I haven't heard one say they are working on figuring it out; even when the problems are complex. I don't think entering politics or helping others is really possible in the way in which I envisioned it. I'm fearful that the divides between R and L will keep growing and there will be less and less middle ground thereby making future solutions even less likely. Perhaps to the point where there are irreconcilable difference similar to what I have with those who hated me and my kids and the distance that was created for safety. I'm also fearful that any bad behavior against people in our country is justified if its against the right/"wrong" people, for money, the right conspiracy/rumor for politics, in support of a specific race/religion, for social acceptance or just to be plain destructive. I also have some fear, as I have seen a version of this, that we could have institutional defaults that could raze what generations have built. It could also be that we get bested by other nations simply because we didn't care enough about our own and I wouldn't want that to happen on my watch. I think in modern times, seeing what I have seen in this world, that these are legitimate concerns; I think others may think them as well. My idealist hope is that the opposite is true....and that doesn't come with a high probability....except in a few scenarios. That idealism has been mocked throughout my life and I suppose now in later years I have come to accept the silliness of hope and wishful thinking.)

Time answers all questions. Let's not let the needs of our kids and grandchildren slip through our fingers because we do what is in our own best interests.

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