Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Police briefing on postal worker killed by dogs in Florida: Personality and Dogs

I could have taken the Pit Bull!
Have been practicing on socks! There was 
also that Beatle Bug I kept putting
my paw on and barking.
Its not normal that dogs have this level of aggression to come out and kill someone. We are way too lenient on owners and their violent dogs. I have seen irresponsible people with breeds that could be dangerous if not raised properly. I'm not seeing a real reason why anyone would want such dogs and why they are so violent. 

Once I was walking with two friends my Shiatzu on the leash and another dog owner in San Diego was walking their pit bull off the leash. The pit bull came to attack my dog and I had to swing the Shiatzu in his harness to avoid the attack. 

...and the pit bull was jumping and lunging into the air.

When I told the owner to put his dog on the leash he stated "well your toying with my dog" by pulling my Shiatzu to safety. Of course we were horrified that he would say that as his dog crossed a great amount of distance to reach Chewy (Chewy is fluffy and only mean to bugs and socks).

That is the nature of some people and their dog ownership (Its the nature of like 30% of people in our society as well. Its just a subjective percentage). There are people that shouldn't have dogs and they seem to gravitate toward more violent breeds and then don't raise them well. In the Florida case, it appears that there may have been other complaints. 

That brings up an important question. When should we crack down on owners who have violent dogs, don't put their dogs on the leash, or are negligent in the management of the dogs? Looks like we have to wait until someone dies. :(

You can read a study on dog owner personality and the aggressiveness of the dog HERE. When was the last time you heard about a pack of poodles, chihuahuas, or dachshunds pack killing people? 

We find certain personalities sort of gravitate toward certain breeds and then those personalities become part of the dog personality (Maybe not in every single case but you can see the human shelters full of dogs that got too big and aggressive so the owners just let them into the street the next time they moved. In San Diego many places have breed restrictions so when the neglected, untrained dog is inconvenient they just dump it into the street.)

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