Wednesday, August 24, 2022

IRS Receives Threats: As well as FBI and others

We are seeing a growing use of fear to get what appears to be a growing separatist factions strategy (At present they look like a semi associated group of wolves. We risk it not staying that way forever.). Notice there could be similar/related groups launching online threats against different government agencies (It appears that way on the surface.).

While no one likes to pay taxes, and people want government to be efficient with our money, it is still a necessary part of a functioning government (At least until we have so much money in a national interest bearing endowment we can pay for our own services without current taxes...geese would that be nice. Doubtful but certain something to dream about what that would look like. ). You have to get funding from somewhere and as of yet the pot of gold haven't been found.

So we should expect to pay something in and violence isn't going to change that. The percentage of taxes and how money is used is a negotiable political discussion. Even if the separatists successfully hijacked our capital they would certainly change things based on their political agenda (likely for worse) but we would still be back collecting taxes. 

That is why I accept death and taxes as normal in modern civilized life. 

What kind of perks my interest is whether or not its similar social media outlets and from related group sources (i.e. who is behind all this?). We should also consider tracking back these individuals, social media outlets and groups to find their source. Digging into the data to see if one can find patterns. 

Its kind of a sad situation all around. Its situations like this that determine our fortitude. Its not a Republican and Democrat issue. 

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