Friday, August 26, 2022

DOJ Released Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant and Affidavit

The Justice Department released a redacted version of the Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit and memo. You can read the redacted warrant affidavit HERE. We also have the sealed redacted search warrant HERE. Read, browse, and understand.

You should make your own judgement about these things. What I can say is that there does seem form these documents to be a history/concern of "outing" people and then targeting them. That would potentially deter witnesses and that can be dangerous for discovering the truth of such situations. 

Everyone in this country is innocent until proven guilty. Yet we cannot determine innocence or guilt until the information, witnesses, and data come fully forward. 

Likewise, classified documents are classified for a reason because they save lives, people, and our national interests. We must take care of those documents and guard them as much as possible. I say that as a general rule.

There are lots of different lawsuits, actions, behaviors, filings and other things that seem to be coming forward in the past year from various places. That is an awful lot of smoke and I would hope people would sort of step back and take it in before making any quick judgements for innocence or guilt. 

I'm a loyalist to our Constitution and do not believe pauper and prince are any different in our society. That being said, it is important to focus specifically on fact and not on conjecture no matter who brings it forward or what our political leanings (I'm a light right R).

Make up your own mind....I haven't made up mine yet. I have some concerns but I haven't definitively made it up until more information is available. 

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