Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Challenging Hometown Hate and Why We Must Push for a More Universal System: The American Way!

There are people who feel that America is for those who look like them, have similar lifestyles, belong to their political party, and are adhere to particular religions (i.e. the American Taliban). It doesn't take much to figure out there are some people within our institutions who support such beliefs. Challenging hate and its supporters is the American way least we find more institutions and systems default through social networks and clannish support.

First, challenging hate can be done within the system and can be done with system improvement in mind. Stepping outside that makes you just as much the problem as those who circumventing/pervert our Constitution and social contracts in their favor. 

Two wrongs don't make a right!

That leaves some of us in a difficult situation. We want accountability for wrong doing so as to support right over wrong and democracy over third word sectarianism. However, we should also understand that Rome wasn't built within a day and change is a long draw out process. Positive pressure with constructive solutions helps speed the process.

It's a hard sell to many (Even those in powerful positions) and we see the seams splitting in society because those who support hate lack a kind of moral conscious that forces their will on those of the "wrong type".  We don't want their values to bleed more into our institutions as these institutions strive toward universalism (In progression of the democratic system).

We were blind to far right and left extremism because we often didn't take a scientific perspective but one built into symbolism and other misleading subconscious beliefs. Yet here we are learning to deal with it and finding ways to overcome groups that search for dominant positions through power over mechanisms.

I'm in the know of such issues because much of my life has been spent challenging distorted beliefs. When my family and I were targeted by a local group (including a couple of officers) in support of their social networks you have to draw protective red lines (The goal of cleansing their community of "others". It will likely result in the opposite in the long run.)

To overcome these issues we must keep our eye on the bigger picture and ensure there are enough checks and balances to protect against institutional default (i.e. Looks like a few officers associated with the central group and a local college that rejects candidates based on factors unrelated to qualifications even when they recognize these qualifications. I can go into significant detail on who, when, where and potentially why {You know the investigative questions that are important.} I have not done so because I hope for a chance for some level of better judgement by this group and individuals. Likewise, while I have every right to launch multiple lawsuits not everything in this life is about money. Based on what I have experienced we have lots of state, federal and international violations that appear to be blatant and intentional disregard for the safety of others. Let's hold on judgment for a minute.....)

Our institutions are important and the bulwark of our democracy. When they become politicized, influence by social networks, and pressured by "isms" (of any kind) we run the risk of damaging those institutions and our national readiness. That readiness comes from building a stronger nation with more allies through strength and moral influence; walk the talk.

Challenging hate can be done within the system using the current resources available to citizens. While there may be some individuals within those institutions that cause a default, for the most part the wider systems seeks to create a level of self correction (Selfish People Eventually Lose). This is why we have a concept of Federalism and the protections that lie therein. 

"Article VI of the U.S. Constitution contains the Supremacy Clause, which reads, "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

As someone with a Muslim sounding name and mixed race children I have seen my share of injustices and I have seen people rise to the occasion to stand for something greater than themselves. We can get through our current national turmoil with our ability to focus on the core benefits of democracy as a system that self manages for the total American/"American" populace (i.e. no matter the race or religion.)

(...let us go back to that group of 100+ people who engaged in hate, rumor spreading, ostracization, intimidation tactics and caused the downing of at least two institutions. Not to mention some of the community complaints against a few of the members and the use of 'Good old Boy' networks for local opportunities. Not one, from my knowledge, can say that me or my kids have done anything to them. What it looks like is that someone found social, financial, and emotional gain in exploiting racial and religious issues and then sold hate to their homogeneous social group that already had low boundaries, misunderstanding of the sacrifices that made America a great nation {Making American Great comes from practicing greatness}, and a general disdain for those not in their "cookie cutter" world {A 1970's cross between Caddy Shack and Animal House}. 

I hope that not a single person goes to jail but if someone does it is because of their behavior {I can encourage better minds but can't control their behaviors}. While it may seem like "those people" caused the problem the discoverable facts would not support such an argument. Its easy to blame the victims when their {and kids} lives are seen as less worthy, less American, and powerlessness {In some third world nations everything is about power and moral conscious has little do with it}. In this case I would at a minimum expect the initial perpetrators to have mandatory mental health evaluation and follow up so as not to maintain risk to the targets and the community, a questioning and review of the people/policies of the two institutions that defaulted, a review/audit of the incentives and a general spirit of improving themselves and their community. 

What I can say is that I'm working on drawing investment to this community and I'm working on improving the broken systems to ensure these behaviors never happen to anyone else within the community {or any visitor}. That "local" is no longer defined by race and religion despite the targets having a longer genetic footprint in the area than most of the perpetrators. I would also like to see people build a better community with abundant opportunities for their/our grand children {Notice the word "our" and our responsibilities beyond our social networks}. We have lots of great officers {save for a few} and by and large most of the people in the community are wonderful and beautiful people {save a few}. Our world is in transition and as we move into the Digita Era it is places like this that hold the golden door to our innovative national rejuvenation from a civil and economic vantage point.

What is my plan? Be positive, polite, engaging and willing to stand in the middle of this group without fear. I'm open to apologies, open to amends for long term stability, will treat kindness with more kindness, and hate with patience but will not sugar coat the destructive behaviors that I have witnessed. Any future such behaviors experience by myself or any other person within town will be staunchly opposed; no matter how many people stand to support hate. As with everything in life, our futures our our choice but we must step into it {Free are easy and we must respect the past and build for the future even dealing with what some in this group call "nigga babies".}. Let us see what doors close and which one's open. There is more at stake then the smoke and mirror egos of the self entitled.)

Let us see which way our institutions and leaders will lean; toward or away the torch of liberty.

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