Sunday, August 21, 2022

Car Bomb of Alexander Dugin's Daughter Not the Right Way!

I'm observing what is going on in Ukraine and believe Ukraine has a right to choose their path. I also believe Russia acted in a highly aggressive fashion based on their strategic goals and historical beliefs of regional control. Despite my beliefs/values I do believe there are certain rules that war should follow and there can be honor in keeping innocents out of the fray.

(Innocents are often the first ones to be targeted and hurt in war. We see that in Ukraine and we now see that in Russia.)

No matter where the fighting between Russia and Ukraine goes I do not believe assassinating national intellectuals or their families is the right way to deal with disagreement. Recently Alexander Dugin' daughter was killed in a car bombing after attending a lecture (Who did it is still an open question.)

In the West we believe in something called freedom of speech. I likely don't agree with many Russian intellectuals because they work from their cultural vantage point in the same way that I advocate for pro democracy (There is divergence of basic root values here on governance style). While someone may disagree with an intellectual's perspective no one should be in the business of assassinating innocents.

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