Saturday, July 9, 2022

New $400 Million Package, 4 HIMARS and 1K Ammo. Enough?

Money, equipment, supplies and ammo on their way to Ukraine. The question is, "Is it enough?" That is a tough question. What we might be able to say is that the equipment is having an impact so sending more is an attempt to heighten that impact. Russian troops are likely being challenged because they lost one strategic advantage (It could lead to a loss of another.). 

The Russians may be able to use more weapons but the quality of those weapons will be inferior. Thus there will be increased casualties and chaos as less mobility, accuracy, and range take their toll. They won't be able to pound an area with complete immunity before moving into a wasteland. 

That doesn't mean that the Ukrainians can rely solely on those weapons. They will need to change tactics. That includes putting in place special kill zones that if advancing Russian troops find themselves within it they will take a beating. That mixed with pushing them into a partial (you don't want hunkering down) defensive posture splits their advance troops. 

We may also find that when a kill zone has been triggered it could cause a reverse of momentum if the Ukrainians have the troops, supplies, and equipment. Let us wait and see what might happen. Remember that this is very contingent on many different things of which few things work out as one typically expects.

Putin seems to like to use changing tactics to keep his opponents off guard. However, there are limits to capacity. That doesn't mean there are limits to use of the limited capacity. In game theory you always expect the unexpected and make plans for it. 

You can read the DOD release $400 Million in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine
  • Four High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and additional ammunition for HIMARS;
  • Three Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment;
  • 155mm artillery ammunition;
  • Demolition munitions;
  • Counter-battery systems;
  • Spare parts and other equipment.

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