Saturday, July 9, 2022

Justice Brett Kavanaugh: When Politicians Fail to Stand Together

It makes no difference if your stance on abortion but it does make a difference how you handle conflict. I'm in the middle road and definitely have my own opinions which are a blend of the two. Something I consider reasonable (Affording rights to the person up to a point and then later to the child closer toward birth. Exceptions in certain cases are almost always warranted. My opinion can also change based on what I understand at any particular time based on my background, knowledge and awareness.). However, what frightens me is that lack of rationality in our political structure and how this is eroding our rights as a free people. Rationalists and centralists are needed to restore our nation to its full health. 

Contrary to opinion, I do not feel it is ok to storm our Capital and I think in many ways it goes right to the top and could potentially have ties to foreign intelligence. Objective investigations are what determine merits. It just an opinion worth exploring based on the way things played out. Its not a fact, it has some support, but whether or not Russian social media manipulation goes is a matter of probability.

 Welcome to the good and bad of the Digital Era. 

At the same time harassing, threatening and using violence against our court system is also not acceptable. It is a sign of erosion of our institutions and we can't seem to get our politicians to stand together to maintain the bigger system. Its not about abortion (while that is an very important issue to discuss and resolve in society). It is about basic civility. We have eroded our good manners and good judgment (I have been a target of hate and I know how people deny their responsibilities and manipulate others. We must change!)

I agree that Justice Brett Kavanaugh should be allowed to eat his cake, allowed to walk with his family in the park, to go to his worship services and in general not have a single protestor bother him, get in his face, disturb his movements. However, when he goes to the court that is where the protests should occur (I advocate for safe and reasonable protests). Let it be known your opinion on tv, outside public institutions (not homes), in media, etc...but not in targeted way. Don't let things move from reasonable debate to the potentiality of violence.

Disliking the insanity of the far right also comes with disliking the insanity of the far left. One doesn't get to be so subjective in their values and behaviors as it won't have any merit; our leaders need to maintain their merit. I have pro and anti abortion friends just like I have Republican and Democrat friends. I'm in the middle and rational about it. Most of them are rational about it too. A few hate the others and of course a few hate back. 

Let us not allow our politics to destroy what doesn't belong to either far right or far left ideologies. I know what I say as one of those dirty Muslims (Which I'm actually Catholic, Muslim, Jew...and you can that I appreciate some of the wisdom from Hindu and Buddhists as well.)  doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I think in hindsight it will make a lot more sense as the possible outcomes of continuing down this path don't look good. Let us stop listening to radicals on either side of the spectrum. Work within the system to change what you don't like....don't step out of the lines. 

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