Friday, July 29, 2022

House Passes Assault Weapons Ban----Off to Senate!

The House may have narrowly passed it but it will need to make it through the Senate. I'm split on this bill. I don't think someone should be able to go down and buy a case of beer and then head next door to buy an assault weapon (Saying as an illustration example and not a fact). 

We know that people sometimes do bad things with these guns. It would seem that a lot of the senseless death is through illegal weapons that wouldn't be impacted by this bill. As of recent it seems some of the perpetrators obtained them legally. 

As a general concept, the more weapons we have in circulation, the more these problems will arise. 

That being said I do support the 2nd Amendment. However, some guns seem like they should have more scrutiny. They are not defense oriented. There may be people who have a legitimate use for these guns but that isn't your average Joe.

Thus a better background check and a 48 hour holding period might make sense on this class of weaponry. Yet, that probably won't make everyone happy. Let us wait and see what happens in the Senate.

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