Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Highland Park Mass Shooter: We Still Aren't Able to See and Intervene

Some people come from dark places and sometimes it doesn't take much to set people off. The motivations for each mass shooting are different yet the solutions include mental health, not having access to certain weapons, and undefined more (We will eventually figure it out.). Better policing is helpful, community support in exposing violent intent and thoughtful justice that seeks long term solutions can make a dent. We have accepted violence in our culture, in our politics, and in our entertainment and there are likely many factors that range from devaluing of others to lack of community connection. 

Let us see if this trend will wain and we will be able to find some solutions. Mental health track and resolve are helpful but many times overlooked. When we analyze these situations we come to find similarities among these actors. It is possible to sort of pick out characteristics and the patterns people use. It only takes dumping them all into a spreadsheet, breaking apart the different characteristics and then cross analyzing them to see strengths of connection. While it might not get the outliers it certainly could get what appears to be some relation. 

More analysis leads to better definitions of purchasing and behavior patterns. Except you can't get full macro data without a track and resolve type strategies that gets into the inner choices. You can analyze the outward choices but not the inner choices (This may be something for ethicists to resolve). Look onto the horizon for solutions. Such behaviors have solutions....we just need the will and the way. 

While it may seem shocking religion, race, and other biased perceptions of values won't solve this problem because they are unassociated (Bias tries to associate them but just look at the backgrounds of domestic terrorism and it will sort of help you see the misleading judgements we often live by). Just like helping others can be universal across cultures and backgrounds so can hate. We need to step outside our assumptions. There are challenges we face as a people and we must find a path to solutions. Its not as fun as arguing incessantly but it might be more fruitful. If we choose to do little we will likely come to little results. Its a moral issue....if we still believe in those things. Sometimes I wonder......   (Then I realize my opinions don't matter much as I have a Muslim sounding name.)

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