Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy 4th of July: Turning a Page in America's Development

Today is a day of remembrance for what things were, the people who fought for those freedoms and the need to continue to push our nation to its next level. Let us take pride in the distance we have gone thus far. It took many generations of struggle to get us to this point and that is worth our celebration. We are not finished with our states of transition. Complacency is never the answer. Let us enjoy where we are today and keep our eyes over the horizon to where we need to go (It is wise to keep your eyes over the horizon and continuously look for opportunities to be prepared for challenges).

We have choices in determining where we are headed as a people and what we want to accomplish. Tackling hate, sacking of capitals, and lack of economic pathways to the "2nd class" citizens wasn't/isn't helpful in our development. Those things we struggle with will become increasingly important and highlighted in a competitive world where we need broad engagement to master new challenges.

A new path (that enhances our current achievements) will require thinking about our nation in new ways. We need new economic models that create diverse opportunities that reach beyond the "connected" class and into cupboards of the most important assets "We the People". To do that we must be competitive and innovative to lead the markets with a consistent checking in on our moral compass. 

Education and open opportunities for people of different backgrounds is a necessity. We can no long afford to block out some to help reward prosperity to the wrong types of people. We have responsibilities to change our script and build broad based economic engagement that has an actual impact on lives (Real opportunities, better wages, clean neighborhoods, safe streets, true consideration, etc...).  We must think of people as an important human capital element and treat them as such.

That also requires to to build our military, scientific, economic and intellectual strength beyond our competitors. We need to be creators, inventors, entrepreneurs and thinkers (Why its not wise to throw wet blankets on them). Yet we are not effectively pushing our human capital upwards and we don't always have the policies in place to encourage these things. Hyper politics, bigotry and extremism are damaging our ability to get ahead through problem resolution. 

That circles back to our political and justice systems. We need more centralists in our political spectrum but there are few places for them in the current political ignorance (That will probably change; better or worse). Likewise, we need justice systems that sees the value in all human life and works toward drawing people to higher states of existence (punishment when necessary, counseling when helpful, opportunities when needed, accountability as resolution, etc....we are slowly strolling in that direction but have a long way to go.).

What I can say is that not everything in this life is fair, right and just and those are gaps of opportunities (It is a high bar but it is a valid bar). Universalism offers opportunities to create a level playing field and application of resources to all Americans. It treats us all as potentials but lets individuals be defined by their merits (Not prepresented opportunities). Some of us strive for a better America and others of us look for free meals (So far we have been rewarding the free mealers). Our freedoms and oaths have meaning to those who still care and yet we often rally around those who don't (We will need to change our value system here.). 

Where we go from here is our choice. Today let us be thankful in reflection of our struggles that we got to this point. I believe our future is bright because our leadership is beginning to see that change is a necessity. We must have more political centralists for decision making and stability. We must develop our military and industries to stay ahead of our competition. We also must have broad based economic opportunities to draw in the talent we need to achieve. We must provide movement between the classes to ensure motivation and long term growth that avoids stagnation of interconnected thinking and blind followership (Notice all the "We"'s in those statements. The third book in series. The biggest one. History must define it. Weconomics). 

Patriotism isn't only putting steaks and burgers on the grill. It is working toward common national goals. There are differences between lip service (political manipulation because your expected to say that) and genuine patriotism (walk the talk that leads to brighter futures).

Everything in this life is a choice.......turning the page in Americans development.......... 

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