Monday, July 11, 2022

Global Population Rises to 8 Billion Says UN

Nearly 8 billion people will be on our planet soon. That often comes with new challenges and difficulties. We are struggling to keep up with pollution and will need to adapt to clean energy (another advantage of the Digital Era). However, most of the countries that seem to have the largest growth also are some of the poorer countries.

Take notice of the nations.....

"Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and the United Republic of Tanzania"

Thus, pollution is likely to be more profound in such areas (some types of pollutions such as water, waste, plastic, paper, air, etc..). It will likely have an impact on people's quality of life. Hazardous living conditions, fewer resources, more disease (i.e. pandemics) and greater stress on the local-global environment. Education may not be available to everyone (That is why I advocate for online education as another avenue that will likely become fairly standard someday.)

The solutions are not easy. Of course having children or not having children is a deeply personal choice. The economics of childhood are expensive in Western countries. As one becomes more educated they generally have less children. More wealth also generally means less children. Fertility rates are dropping in some countries but rising in others.

See UN World Population and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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