Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Could Russian Invasion of Donetsk Determine Their Objectives?


Donetsk may be the decisive line in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Thinking strategically of why Russia would want it and one has to wonder if it sort of connects their initiatives to the industrial area. That could be true if Russia wants to reemerge as a manufacturing country and wants not only access to ports and industrial infrastructure but also shipping to China and the Asian region. It is always possible that they have a master plan (After failed plan A which likely included invasion up to Dnipro the refocused on the essentials in plan B). Could Donetsk be the final zone or will they continue westward for all of Ukraine (I doubt they want all of it) (See Donetsk evacuation)?  

This is also why I advocate for our American politicians to put aside their differences, redevelop our own capacities, infrastructure, and human capital (I know I know not very important!). We watch as two major ideologies must compete again and the iron curtain redrawn. I hope we are up to the task. As of now we are moving and starting to tackle but have a long way to go. I also believe that the sacking of our capital wasn't completely random either. Intelligence has shown social media manipulation and intentional hyping of differences has been occurring. They just love it when we argue and drag our feet and likely even more when our politicians duke it out without seeing the bigger picture (See Post Afghan Threats). 🤷

 (Those of us who draw people together are often, not always, but often ignored for hyper politics and those in the "connected" upper echelons of society. Having a Muslim sounding name definitively makes your opinions and skills less worthy{I can't even say my opinion is right but just a maybe}. Its all so simple! Nothing is a fact but just open possibilities for exploration by those who want to dig to find solutions. I have devoted much of my life to learning and science and I see that nothing should be ruled out until it can be ruled out...one works in probabilities and avoids absolutes. Muslim name or not...time answers all questions. Competitive Position

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