Sunday, July 10, 2022

China, Russia, and the U.S.: Why the US Must Develop

There is little doubt that the war in Ukraine is about economics and philosophy. Russia wants to rebuild its once fallen Soviet empire (maybe not exactly the same but a modern version) and it is in a pitched ideological battle with the West (Ukraine and its ports and manufacturing is part of that). China is a passive partner to Russia and has shown that Communism can survive (Russia, one of the older Communist states believes it can reemerge as a stronger state.)

The problems that are occurring here are unlikely to be easily resolved unless Russia collapses and/or a major defeat in Ukraine occurs (That also includes Putin loosing power either through sickness or removal). That potentially can squash emergence for some time. 

China is likely the future buyer and partner of Russia and wants to counter the U.S. Likely one reason why Putin keeps talking about an end to the unipolar world. There is more going on then just Russia acting alone and has support from China and a few countries. 

This should be a learning situation for the U.S. We were on top for the last few decades and that gave us a false sense of security. We must now move back into a competitive mode. Understand our risks of not being effective in looking over the horizon.

We can't afford to waste our time in knock down drag down political arguments that are unending and consistently conflictual without resolution (In many ways its damaging us and those who oppose the U.S. are watching us eat each other. It also sends a signal of concern to our allies.). Arguments are only good when there is going to be a resolution (i.e. when we learn from them.)

Competition includes innovation, human capital, investments in infrastructure, settling political dysfunction, moving into the Digital Age (Advanced manufacturing and digital economy) and pushing our best and brightest to top positions (ending the damaging effects of nepotism). 

I'm a supporter of free nations that are managed and led by their people. If there is one thing that life has taught me is that power is often misused. This is why societies that are democratic oriented have checks and balances that keep people free. We probably shouldn't expect China to be particularly helpful in settling the Russian-Ukraine war but maintaining pressure and getting into a competitive mode is helpful. 

Blinken asks China to stand up against Russia’s war in Ukraine

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