Thursday, July 7, 2022

A Few Observations of Group Hate

 A couple of simple observations of how hate groups function. Not everything needs to be a long article. These are quick but for the most part seem ok. 

1.) Internal dialogue is focused on comparison with others (Why they are better than others). 

2.) History of past poor behaviors (bullying, dishonesty, put downs, etc..). 

3.) Low boundaries between members and high social pressure (likely an extension of mental health of leadership).

4.) Attempt to influence others (if strong enough local officials).

5.) Devaluing of others which limits boundaries

6.) Shared identity (i.e. ISIS, Proud Boys, etc...)

7.) Defensive (cultish) or expansive (promotors). 

8.) Use of rumors, emotions and angers to motivate members to intimidate others.

9.) Have difficult finding different paths to conflict resolution (might be learned).

10.) Use of passive aggressive behaviors designed to intimidate but not enough to be specific to account.

11.) Most members may be neutral but live within the social context of active extreme behaviors and values.

12.) Mental health seems to be associated with leadership.

13.) Financial and social aspects to behaviors (could be designed to hide poor behaviors)

14.) Willing to act if numbers and physical intimidation allow them to do so (Highly dependent on the personalities and context of others. Surrounded by supporters they may act where they wouldn't alone. Diluted responsibilities.)

15.) Active seeks support form others to influence public/local opinion using false/misleading behaviors.

16.) Such groups attempt to work by circumventing laws and or weaknesses in current law and enforcement (i.e. police or military in sacking of capital or a local law enforcement officer in support of social network.)

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