Monday, June 13, 2022

Threats Against Police and Others Fighting Extremism and Terrorism (Universalizing Society as One Solution)

We have problem brewing and this has come from dicey political structure and often ignoring the signs of extremism (domestic vs. foreign and how that is seen). When such groups start making death threats against police, judges, civilians, politicians and just about anyone they disagree with (or frustrate their efforts) we need to get more serious. 

I have been looking at this situation for a while and find that we simply can't selective attention through this (meaning false forms on what this is by skipping big chunks of data) and just like we need to universalize our values we also need to universalize our perception of extremism. It never was a "those people" problem it was I only see "those people" issue.

Let me say there are lots of good people doing the right thing but it takes time to convince people that bi-partisanship on solving problems and developing new methods is helpful (We are still stuck in old paradigms and that is likely to start a switch. Just like we will see a switch as new technology and socio-economic-political factors come into play. Its actually related but its hard to sort of connect all those dots for people. Its abstract but just wait a minute and it will likely make more sense.)

I sort of stole this from the old paradigms link above because its relevant. Albert Einstein  - "If the researcher went about his work without any pre-conceived opinion, how should he be able to select out those facts from the immense abundance of the most complex experience, and just those, which are simple enough to permit lawful connections to be evident?"

The people who engage in violent extremism have little to no remorse and feel a sense of "entitlement" to their behaviors without regard to anyone's safety (No one is immune and a vocal minority from the bottom of society to the top could be involved.💁 What checks this is the general moral conscious of people in positions of power and their willingness to "do the right thing". Something we sort of struggle with sometimes. Its not unique to our society. As a matter of point we are showing we can adapt and overcome. Red Queen.). In the far right national extremist mind they are the "true" Americans and everyone else is on their land (Its the rooted in anger that other people are infringing on them versus them infringing on others. There is also a component of social and financial gain. That is what makes it so irrational. A running analysis of hate. )

We are going to have to ask ourselves some serious questions about our resolve to get politicians and different communities to work together to put the monster under our beds back in its cage. I have a Muslim sounding name so maybe what I say isn't particularly important or valuable (Sorry that is what I have seen in some circles through natural observation; not everyone but enough to know its part of a larger stream of collective consciousness in society. We may have to universalize to overcome that and other competitive problems. I'm not going into it all at the moment but certainly human capital and innovation is part of that universalizing our values and moving further along our line of development as a democratic society. 🤷)  

Just like Durkheim discussed in 1893 book 'The Division of Labor in Society' one societal transition we can again discuss as we move into the Digital Era (Yikes a little philosophical but take a minute and think about it.)

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