Monday, June 13, 2022

Science and Effort in the Gloucester shipwreck: Norfolk's Mary Rose

Scientists and researchers don't just go out in their boat and hope to find some of the world's most amazing studies. They spend decades diving, using tools, learning and developing their skills. Then one day they hit the jack pot. Anyone trying to succeed at something should expect to put in the proper time and effort to achieve their goals. Depending on the goal it might not be decades but it will require persistence. Whether your are student or a business executive the same general "grit" of effort is going to apply. There are three things we can take from their discovery.....

1. Consistent Effort Leads to Success: We shouldn't go out and expect to discover a ship on our first day, make the winning touch down, or get an A on every paper. We must put in a lot of effort to learn. Some call this the 10,000 hour rule. To do well you must enjoy what you are doing and focus your energy and effort on it. That may mean adjusting other things in your lives to put the right energy in the right places.

2.) There are Lots of Different Skills Needed: We aren't just learning one skill but the multiple skills needed to accomplish goals. For example, these divers learned to dive, learned to use the scientific method, conduct historical literary research, talk to other divers, attend conferences, can do math, and much much more. Expect during the learning process to be exposed to different types of skill you might thing are not important but are essential (In other words, don't complain because you don't think you are doing not useful. It might have big benefits.)

3.) There are Support Structures: Just like in this shipwreck video there are support structures that include finance, ship maintenance, libraries, universities, political supporters, international governments, and much more. The structure and resources are there to prepare for a discovery of this size. Without that support structure discoveries will likely be more random and done with less equipment. 

Two articles you might want to check out

1.) Science and Scientific Method

2.) Nautical Archeology

I do a little shipwreck diving and I do a little science. They are related. At my level it has been an issue to find consistency with others who state they want to find a ship but then persist to do that regularly. So I went and bought a used boat (Its not a big boat but I can fish on it and do some near coast scanning. So I lose nothing.). While I'm working on ensuring the engine is running I find I have some of the basic equipment (Really really basic but have been looking at a few others. Everything takes time.). That will eventually lead somewhere if I'm persistent enough. If nothing comes out of it I will have at least mapped all the fishing pools in the area for my own future purposes. :)

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