Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Feds Double Great Lake Research to $53 Million

In the path to sustainability in our environment and our economy we will need to invest in research. You can read about UoM Great Lakes Research and their partnership with LSSU in the UP with the Coast Guard under the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research.

What does the cooperative do?

"Hosted by the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan, CIGLR consists of a Research Institute and a Regional Consortium that is a partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), universities, non-governmental organizations, and businesses. Together, we work to achieve environmental, economic, and social sustainability in the Great Lakes."

What are they going to look at?

...."climate change, extreme weather events, invasive species, harmful algal blooms and ecosystem protection".

Here is the thing. If we want to maximize our natural fish as a future protein source and fishing industry as well as further develop clean manufacturing in the Great Lakes region, we will want to research impact and solutions.

Research of this kind isn't about restricting development but about coexistence. Business should donate, partner with, and enhance such research so as to grow their manufacturing possibilities as well as enhance the Great Lakes ecosystem.

When businesses have created a level of homeostasis with their environment they will have more opportunities to enhance the natural benefits of the Great Lakes. Research and business should go hand in hand and when they contribute to something like an independent research entity they can better chart their own course. See Perpetual Sustainability Systems.

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