Friday, June 3, 2022

Chris Jacobs announces he's not running in NY-23: He Should Have Stayed and Fought For Conservatism

There are two different Republican parties within one party and I think they may be starting to split; at least it seems that way (I'm thinking more sociologically. You can sense the different power structures struggling to find balance with each other but as one turns one way the other is left desperately trying to hold the two together.). Now I can't make any judgement on Chris Jacobs or his character because I never met him but I respect what he did here by speaking his mind.  However, if he is being rejected because he doesn't support military grade weapons circulating in the public that doesn't seem to align to traditional values. Something seems to be in misalignment. It just seems out of balance and could indicate something else may be festering.

Under certain circumstances we might see an implosion of the Republican party and soon after perhaps the Democrat Party (Highly dependent and speculative on the Dem but certainly not what was expected. It would be hard to run a country with one major party without it splintering). Nothing wrong with guns and shooting clubs. Military weapons are not in the same class as hunting rifles and self defense guns. They are designed for different purpose (I wonder if the same people discussing civil war are the one's pushing for no compromises?)

While I have a Muslim sounding name (which some have decided they seek to rage because of that alone) that doesn't mean I don't adhere to the "Old Guard" Republican values that include primary conservatism (i.e. I'm a Catholic, Muslim, Jew and believe religious groups should not be supporting military weapons in the public. Let us think about what these spiritual leaders might say about these types of guns. What would Jesus say? How about philosophers? I'm more spiritual than religious but I don't think as a central conservative value it fits well together between the teachings of past and the "perceived" need for these weapons among the populace. Religion and philosophy are the wisdom of the ages and by some the aphrodisiac of the masses so it still has power.). In my understanding such philosophers (religious, secular, gifted) were promoters of peace, critical thinking, sanctity of life, and education (Sorry its just my understanding. I read a lot but maybe I'm wrong. Only a couple philosophers came to mind when thinking about this issue and those were related to military defense.). 

We should be working toward a world where such guns are not necessary (At least from a religious standpoint. Yes I know guns are likely going to be here for a long time and when used to defend a nation and people they are necessary.  Flipping burgers is probably in my future because I'm not seeing why these guns are necessary in everyday use and that can attract all type of disdain and backlash. I'm missing a major logical connection as to why. Someone would have to fill that logical gap and I'm drawing a blank....except in one chilling circumstance) There are some people who may be able to have these guns with the proper training, purpose, and gun locks but that isn't the average person on the street. 

....and I think we are moving into a new sort of era where we become our own worst enemies (eating ourselves from the inside. Republicans and Democrats and their irrationalism.). We need more RINO's DINO's and rational centralists to get positive things done.  I respect Chris for his values and I respect the parents who want to protect their children and the Conservatives that believe in their essential principles (...beyond the politics. I still consider myself a light right Republican of the "Old Guard". I would hate to see a world where Freedom of Speech is supplanted at the end of a barrel). 

This probably why I won't run for politics because of its destructive and often self serving nature of interested parties. I have already given up many aspects of my life for what I believe and I think I have done some good (Jury still out.). The nation and its needs are often secondary to many of our politicians and their supporters. I feel like some are harming our long-term national health with staunchness and ideologically immaturity and silliness (That is not an argument for or against any political party). Biggest Threats and National Vision

Let us see if the shooting trend will continue and if it does if there is a point where "old guard" Republicans rise to reclaim the central tenants of their party. :We seem to have lost our sense of direction and there is likely to be some type of reorientation; i.e. further right or more central. We need new leadership that are willing to work together to solve important national problems. Time will tell what happens. Let us hope both sides can start working on bi-partisan solutions. I don't see liking and not liking guns as either a Republican or Democrat issue....its becoming a different kind of issue. Let us wait to see what emerges. Doors open and close.

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