Friday, May 27, 2022

Long Range Rocket Systems Might Help Ukraine with A Different Ground Strategy

In this war Russia has a lot of weapons and are using them as a long-range advantage. Many of them are old and some of them new but they have numbers and they have replenishable equipment supplies. A tactic they seem to be using is to shelling and artillery to soften up and spread out Ukrainian troops. Artillery and Long Range rockets supplies to the Ukrainians may help counter those forces. Putting Russian troop formations, batteries, supplies, and equipment outside of the range may force Russians to come in lightly armored and commit boots to the assault. That raises costs for PR and fear factor (many are younger Russian soldiers with a lack of experience.) and right now the goal is likely to stop infiltration, slow down the shelling, and break up the assault so that smaller groups can be dealt with more effectively (Reduce numbers advantages). 

The Ukrainians might want to create a strategy of breaking up movement and target pockets with focused shelling and quick assaults. That depends on their capacity, numbers, terrain proximity, and equipment. Force the Russians to move into designated "kill zones" where the advantages are switched. Since the Russians don't know where these kill zones are located it could slow down the advancement across the board and in turn matched with longer range equipment would give them few places to sit back. Rush in or hunker down in small packs might be their primary options. Either way it will be nerve racking with low troop moral and likely force changes in strategy where mistakes happen. Just an idea.

U.S. may send long-range rocket systems to Ukraine; Russia captures more villages in Donbas. Follow our live updates

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