Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Top general urges more US troops in eastern Europe: Rotating Basis

Its an interesting concept to increase mobility of troops and create additional staging bases. No doubt we are much more mobile than we were in the past and we are also going to increasingly be more mobile. Bases are likely to be hard infrastructure mixed with highly mobile self-sufficient forces. That will also require some adjustments in how we think of supply chain issues and movement of resources from multiple bases to concentrate in certain key areas within a short period of time (and of course readjust when conflicts change and force needs to be somewhere else). Other questions of course open about how fortified will these bases be and will we have more staging basis with mobile troops around the world? Does the cost decrease if we move less families, have shorter stay times, but more bases? For example, we only need a small contingent force somewhere in the world and would we have a smaller multi-use base there which we can rotate smaller forces through and move them quickly somewhere else if needed?  Could we form larger battalions within a day or two by moving around smaller contingent forces/units? Ideas for consumption. Kind of interesting concept to think about. 🤔

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