Friday, April 1, 2022

Sales vs. Marketing : Small Business Branding

Sales and marketing are two different functions of the same organization. They almost seem the same and people often confuse the difference as they interchange them in layman's terms. One way to look at the difference between sales and marketing is by formulating a concept of each. Sales is the activities that lead to a purchase (more micro) while marketing is the aspect of getting people involved (more macro). While it seems like they are splitting hairs it is important to understand how some activities in small business lead to bigger brand outcomes.

You can see the difference
between sales and brand activities.
(Kotler, et. al. 2006)
In large businesses you will have your own marketing department and in turn specific sales associates that may be calling customers (any other sales activity) to make a sale. In small businesses the process is a little different because marketing and sales might be part of the same activity and employee function. Let us look at small business example.

Small Business Example: Start-up company. The sales of the product often leads to branding. One might be contacting customers and in turn talk about their company as a new product and a way of doing business. Your often building your brand based on your sales and perceptions of the new company (i.e. selling polo mallets as a sales activity but quality and return service as a brand.)

As a business you will want to be mindful of how your sales and marketing activities leads to a branding your company from its beginning. Consider other activities such as a strong website, solid presentations, return/service policies, clean presentation of your business, quality of products/service, store front, display, etc. to help people formalize a conception of your business. Keep in mind how the first impression and feeling often sticks with customers a long time. Don't destroy the brand over a single sale!

Kotler, P., et. al (July-August 2006). Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing. Harvard Business Review.

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