Friday, April 1, 2022

Human Genome Full DNA Blueprint Finished

Things have changed and we are into a whole new way of looking at people and our biological essence. The human genome blueprint provides "detailed information about the structure, organization and function of the complete set of human genes.". By using the nucleotides, in the form of letters A, C T and G we can create new discoveries in medicine and perhaps move into other human genetic science (Science fiction is just about here.). Now researchers are likely going to figure out what makes unique people unique through variants (i.e. genius, superb athletes, handicapped, mental health, the sick, super skilled, etc...) and isolate those traits in the sequence (meaning we can code the differences.) 

There is always room for a little skepticism in explaining life. While we may think we understand human life (all life) through its genetic blueprint we should always be ready for natural randomness that pushes all forms of life to change, grow and adjust. The difference is we are likely to someday measure through longitudinal studies along genetic families those changes and still not be 100% sure of why and how we change.

You can review the Human Genome Project.

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