Monday, April 4, 2022

$5 Billion in Bipartisan Michigan Investment in Infrastructure, Jobs, and Investing

$5 billion in bipartisan investments are to be utilized to improve infrastructure, jobs and investment opportunities. Part of that plan is expenditures to affordable housing and internet expansion (I've given up using capitals for the word Internet because its a household name now. I don't think its needed anymore. ðŸ˜’.) This is part of the Building Michigan Together Plan that focuses on what they call "kitchen table" issues such as clean water, smooth roads, fast internet, and beautiful parks, etc.

In includes $250 Million to connect household and small businesses to the internet (lower case). Small business needs the internet and access to the global world in order to compete and sell products. They then need to know how that works on a practical level (Kind of why I'm building a type of learning lab with Escanaba Polo Mallet Co that seeks to understand how true small business is developed and the threats and risks they face. Its a series of changes and developments.)

There is also some loan opportunities to help more Michiganders obtain homes. You can review Down Payment Assistance Program and MI Home Loan Mortgage Program as well as the mortgage foreclosure protection Step Forward Michigan Homeowners Assistance Fund. You will have to read more about them....I didn't review in any detail.

You can read the state press release Building Michigan Together Plan Makes Historic Investments in Housing and High Speed Internet and of course you can get some more details of the plan in Whitmer to Sign Building Michigan Together Plan

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